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Sudan: Not On Our Watch and IRC partner to aid people in crisis

Not on Our Watch and the International Rescue Committee are partnering to provide critical humanitarian relief for hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been torn apart by violent conflict.

Founded by George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle and Jerry Weintraub, Not On Our Watch aims to use the powerful voices of prominent artists to focus attention and resources on global humanitarian crises. The organization is working through established aid groups like the International Rescue Committee by supporting vital relief efforts on the ground.

The first initiative aims to help uprooted people in the Darfur region of Sudan. Not On Our Watch will support programs that treat the sick, prevent the spread of disease, shelter the displaced, enable children to heal and learn, teach new skills, promote human rights and offer protection to the most vulnerable.

To kick off the fundraising effort, Warner Brothers Studios, together with Vanity Fair and CineVegas, are hosting benefit screenings of the new film Ocean's Thirteen, which is produced by Weintraub and features Clooney, Pitt, Damon and Cheadle.

The International Rescue Committee has been a lifeline to people impacted by violent conflict in Sudan for 26 years and currently provides vital aid to more than 700,000 people in dire need of help in the Darfur region.