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Sudan Measles Situation Report (Week 14 Ending on 05-04-2015)



Sudan reported 156 cases of measles during week 14 bringing the total number of measles cases during 2015 to 1697 cases.

Total number of deaths is 22 with (CFR: 1.3%)

The total number of outbreak localities increased to 31 localities in 14 states.

So far, 3015 suspected measles cases (with 1697 confirmed) have been reported from 31 localities in 14 states of Sudan.

The number of measles hospitalized cases 1206 including severe and complicated cases. All of the cases presented with fever and skin rash. Cough was a complaint in 91% of cases, conjunctivitis (87%), coryza (84%) and post auricular lymph node enlargement (6%) of cases.

Pneumonia was the common complication in 364 cases, severe diarrhoea 307, otitis media 65, ophthalmic 72 and malnutrition among 118 cases.

Darfur states reported 59.1% of measles deaths in Sudan. East Darfur reported 45 cases and 5 deaths (CFR: 11.1%), West Darfur 441 cases with 5 deaths (CFR: 1.1%), and North Darfur 117 cases with 3 deaths (CFR: 2.6%).