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Sudan: Humanitarian Response Dashboard (September 2024)



With the end of the rainy season, road access is expected to improve and enable the scale up of delivery of life-saving assistance via cross-border and crossline routes. During September 2024, about 2.5 million people received some form of humanitarian assistance. This brings the total number of people assisted with some form of assistance from January 2024 to 12.6 million. While this represents about 86 per cent of the 14.7 million people that the HNRP partners are aiming to reach with assistance and basic services, the numbers of people reached by various clusters vary significantly, largely due to different levels of funding and other factors such as insecurity, limited access and other challenges.

While the food security and livelihoods cluster has reached about 90 per cent of the total 11.4 million people they are aiming to assist throughout 2024, Protection Cluster has reached less than 5 per cent of the targeted population. By the end of September, the Sudan response plan, seeking $2.7 billion, was 51 per cent funded, affecting partners’ ability to scale up response as seen from much lower numbers of people reached per those sectors with lower funding.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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