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Sudan Humanitarian Fund 2017 Second Allocation paper


I. Background and overall guidance

  • Thanks to generous donor contributions from Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and DFID, a second SHF allocation for an amount of $7.5 million is launched. $2 million will also be set aside in the Reserve for Emergencies in accordance with the SHF criteria (SHF Programme Manual).

  • Partners seeking funding from the SHF 2017 second allocation must adhere to the guiding principles and strategic objectives outlined in this paper. Proposals not in line with this paper will not be considered for funding.

  • The 2017 SHF positioning contains an overarching strategic positioning that guides all 2017 allocations. In line with the World Humanitarian Summit commitments this allocation focuses on front-line responders. The second round SHF allocation supports the three outcomes of the 2017 Multi-Year Humanitarian Response Plan 1) populations affected by natural or man-made disasters receive timely assistance during and in the aftermath of the shock, 2) displaced populations, refugees, returnees and host communities meet their basic needs and/or access essential basic services while increasing their self-reliance and 3) vulnerable residents in targeted areas have improved nutrition status and increased resilience.

  • Please refer to the SHF Operational Manual for process related issues and SHF Programme Manual for minimum programmatic requirements, programmatic guidance and guidance on budgets.

A. SHF Strategic Priorities for the 2017 Second Allocation

  • This allocation will complement the CERF 2017 Underfunded Emergencies Grant for the newly accessible areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile by focusing on the same localities.

  • Projects in this allocation should address immediate needs through emergency, life-saving assistance and in parallel increase resilience of the most vulnerable and their communities. Increased ownership by communities of projects informed through participatory approaches should also result in some form of sustainability and lay a foundation for follow-up through longer term approaches.

  • Well informed conflict sensitive programming that clearly indicates risks and mitigation measures needs to be part of all approaches to guarantee peaceful coexistence of IDPs and host communities.

South Kordofan $4 million

Eligible organizations: low and medium risk NGOs with proven experience in the targeted sector(s) and established presence in the state and localities (all sectors), UN agencies only for protection projects Targeted localities: Kadugli, Habila, Rashad, El Abassyia Targeted sectors and indicative1 envelopes: Livelihood ($2,000,000), Health ($700,000), WASH ($650,000) and Protection (Child Protection and Mine Action $650,000).

Per the latest figures, South Kordofan State (SKS) has 179,137 verified IDPs and is also hosting 39,866 refugees. In addition, there are 14,055 recent returnees who did not receive any form of humanitarian assistance yet. In 2017, 7,224 people (2,316 households) were displaced from SPLM-N controlled areas to Kadugli. This SHF allocation prioritizes interventions in the newly accessible areas in the abovementioned localities and areas with new arrivals.
In areas with a significant number of returnees, for example Al Abassiya, projects should also include returnees to contribute to a harmonious living environment for all inhabitants.


The new displacement in 2017 was triggered by poor food security and general lack of services in SPLM-N areas. Half of SKS is facing acute food security and livelihood crisis as per 2016 agricultural season outcome and the situation is expected to worsen due to a projected early end of rains this year.
This SHF allocation welcomes different types of livelihood support opportunities which should be based on clear needs assessments and should be supported by the communities throughout the project cycle. These can range from winter season agriculture, livestock support, income generating activities to longer term approaches including but not limited to training, village savings and loan associations, and farmer schools.
Innovative cash assistance components within projects are encouraged when the methodology is clearly defined, as are mechanisms which engage the local community in salaried work linked to training for the implementation of some of the activities.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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