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Sudan: Humanitarian Dashboard (January - September 2021)



1. Provide timely multi-sectoral lifesaving assistance to crisis affected people to reduce mortality and morbidity

Activities under this objective will focus on lifesaving assistance to vulnerable people Including IDPs, refugees, returnees and vulnerable residents. In addressing life-threatening conditions, partners will provide emergency life-saving water, food, non-food items, health and protection assistance, and psychosocial support.

2. Improve vulnerable people’s access to livelihoods and lifesustaining basic services

Under this objective, humanitarian partners will work to provide essential services including healthcare packages, access to nutritious food, quality basic education, safe water and sanitation and support households in protecting or creating assets.

3. Mitigate protection risks and respond to protection needs through humanitarian action

Under this objective, partners will aim to ensure the safety and security, and restore the dignity of affected people in an equitable manner while also enhancing the capacity of stakeholders to strengthen the protective environment.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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