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Sudan + 1 more

Sudan: Humanitarian Bulletin | Issue 52 | 19 – 25 December 2016 [EN/AR]



• HAC has issued amended directives and procedures regarding humanitarian action in Sudan.

• On 24 December, HAC in North Darfur State, together with IDP leaders launched an intention survey amongst IDPs in North Darfur.

• About 2,500 people have returned to the Kaoura area, North Darfur, from Tawilla, Kebkabiya and Sortony and need essential household supplies.

• On 18 December, the World Bank launched the second phase of livelihood project targeting IDPs and host communities in Kassala State.

HAC issues amended directives and procedures

The Government of Sudan’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) issued on 25 December the amended directives and procedures regarding humanitarian action in Sudan. The document introduces a number of new regulations on the work of humanitarian organisations in Sudan. This includes the following aspects of the humanitarian action: technical agreements, movement of aid personnel, partnerships with national NGOs, field teams and staffing, identification of humanitarian needs and publication of various reports on needs, assessments and related information, interaction with affected population and use of armed escorts.

Technical agreements

The amended directives provide a timeframe for the completion of the Technical Agreements (TAs) process. “TAs are to be reviewed and approved in 15 days or referred to the federal HAC for final adjudication. Following approval from relevant line ministry, state level HAC will approve or reject TAs within 15 days. After 15 days, TAs pending approval will be forwarded to federal HAC for prompt final adjudication. HAC will provide final review and adjudication for TAs within 5 working days”.

Travel permits for humanitarian personnel

“Travel Permits (TPs) are required only for active conflict areas identified by concerned authorities in coordination with the UN. TPs are not required for non-active conflict areas.
Only in cases of active fighting and military operations will access be temporarily restricted and access will be managed through TPs. In all other areas, agencies will provide notification of travel to the HAC two working days ahead of travel”.

Partnership with national NGOs

“Humanitarian organisations (UN agencies, international organisations and national and international NGOs) determine national and other operational partners, based on technical and operational capacity across all sectors including protection, and other factors that impact quality of the humanitarian response, in coordination with the relevant humanitarian sectors and in accordance with the relevant domestic laws that uphold humanitarian principles of neutrality and independence”.

Field teams and staffing

“Humanitarian organisations (UN agencies, international organizations, and national and foreign organisations) determine the most suitable field teams and staffing, based on technical and operational concerns (including mandate, internal managerial consideration, technical expertise, gender balance considerations, and prevailing security conditions) across all sectors including protection, and other factors that impact quality of the response, in coordination with the relevant humanitarian sectors”.

Identification of humanitarian needs

“The default humanitarian approach in situations of new or evolving needs is to assess needs using a multi-disciplinary, inter-agency, and where possible, gender-balanced team covering all sectors, including protection. A multi-sector, inter-agency approach will best ensure that the needs of affected people are met in a comprehensive and appropriate manner. The Government of Sudan’s HAC will facilitate, coordinate, and expedite humanitarian assistance in cooperation with the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. The UN has a central and unique role to play in providing leadership and coordinating the efforts of the international community to support Sudan. Humanitarian partners will work to facilitate access and delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need; enhance timely and impartial follow-up and assessment systems; ensure the participation of people affected by humanitarian systems in the design, implementation, and evaluation of humanitarian assistance activities; incorporate protection expertise into all inter- agency assessment and monitoring missions”.


“Humanitarian organisations are permitted to publicly report on humanitarian needs, assessments, and related information in consultation with the Government of Sudan.
Humanitarian organisations commit to sharing information collected through assessments, monitoring, and programme implementation with the HAC, the UN, beneficiaries, and the public as necessary. Consultation with the Government of Sudan consists of agencies sharing an informational copy of reporting with the Government prior to publication”.

Interaction with affected population

“In collaboration with the concerned sectors, humanitarian organisations will verify new or evolving humanitarian needs through direct engagement with affected populations and using commonly recognised approaches and assessment tools and will collect information throughout the humanitarian program cycle”.

Use of armed escorts

“The use of armed escorts is a last resort to facilitate humanitarian access to conflict affected areas, and not standard practice for humanitarian operations”.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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