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Sudan + 1 more

Sudan: Humanitarian Bulletin | Issue 43 | 17 - 23 October 2016 [EN/AR]



• 7,100 IDPs in South Kordofan’s Abu Kershola locality need humanitarian assistance.

• Over 21,000 people vaccinated against measles in Abyei, following an outbreak declared by the Ministry of Health in September.

• According to an inter-agency mission, 3,650 IDPs have returned to Himeida village from IDP camps in West Darfur and refugee camps in Chad, since April 2016

• 60 per cent of the South Sudanese refugees who have arrived in Sudan in 2016 have taken refuge in East Darfur

7,100 IDPs in Abu Kershola locality, South Kordofan, reportedly need humanitarian assistance

An inter-agency mission carried out a needs assessment of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Abu Kershola locality (South Kordofan) who fled their homes in 2014 and have been displaced several times since then. The mission took place following reports by the Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that 7,100 IDPs are in need of humanitarian assistance in this locality.

The mission – that took place from 16 to 21 October – visited 12 villages and Abu Kershola town and identified 4,400 IDPs in need of humanitarian assistance. The mission participants were unable to reach the remaining IDPs due to limited time and because the IDPs are dispersed in small gatherings throughout the locality, but they are presumed to be in need of humanitarian assistance due to the number of times they have been displaced in recent years.

The mission visited Hijeer, Umbaraka, Hilat Abbas and Elbobaya villages and a group of families in Abu Kershola town. Representatives of HAC, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), IOM, the UN Children’s Agency (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) participated in the mission. The international NGOs (INGOs) Mercy Corps Scotland (MCS) and Save the Children – Switzerland (SCS) were also represented. The main needs of the IDPs are food and emergency household supplies, as well as access to health, water, sanitation and education services.

The 2016 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) states that an estimated 184,000 displaced people in South Kordofan State are in need of humanitarian assistance.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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