• Sudan hosting over 189,000 refugees from South Sudan, according to UNHCR.
• Heavy rain damages over 500 houses in Blue Nile’s Tadamon locality.
• North Darfur IDP camps receive sensitization campaign on the Darfur Hotline Camp Referral System.
• Water and sanitation services in Mukjar IDP camp (Central Darfur) are deteriorating in quality after withdrawal of an international NGO.
• Delayed rainy season increases demand for humanitarian assistance in Central Darfur.
Displaced people in Sudan (as of Dec 2014): 3.1 million
Displaced people in Darfur (as of Dec 2014): 2.5 million
(in 2015): 100,000
GAM burden: 2 million
South Sudanese refugees in Sudan - since 15 Dec 2013 (UNHCR): 189,720
Refugees of other nationalities (UNHCR): 168,000
1.04 billion requested in 2015 (US$)
39% reported funding
Over 189,000 S. Sudanese refugees now in Sudan
Over 189,000 South Sudanese refugees have fled into Sudan since the outbreak of the conflict in South Sudan in December 2013, representing over half of the 368,000 refugees and asylum seekers currently in Sudan, according to UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) figures from 31 July 2015. There are also over 112,000 refugees and asylum seekers from Eritrea, and the remainder are mainly from Ethiopia, Chad and the Central African Republic. Sudan has a longstanding tradition of hospitality towards refugees and asylum seekers; most reside in Eastern Sudan, Khartoum and the Darfur states as well as White Nile, Blue Nile, South, West and North Kordofan states where the South Sudanese refugee population is concentrated.
The large and growing presence of refugees and asylum seekers is placing additional pressure on the already limited humanitarian resources and funding. The influx of South Sudanese refugees into Sudan in particular has overstretched humanitarian capacity as the expected total number of refugees in 2015 (some 196,000) has nearly been reached. As a result, figures for the remainder of the year are under revision. In addition, funding for the inter-agency response to South Sudanese refugees remains low, with only 15 per cent of funding requirements secured to date.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.