- WFP aid convoy from El Obeid reaches Aweil in South Sudan bringing food for 30,000 people.
- In Sudan, malaria cases have fallen since a spike of 1.2 million in 2014 to nearly 900,000 this year.
- Food security improves throughout most of the country, due to good harvests, FEWS NET.
- In East Jebel Marra locality, about 4,000 children under five receive routine vaccines.
- UN SC Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict commends government efforts to ensure no child is recruited in the armed forces.
people in need in Sudan (2017 HNO): 4.8 million
people in need in Darfur (2017 HNO): 3 million
- GAM caseload (2017 HNO): 2.2 million
- South Sudanese refugees since 15 December 2013 registered by UNHCR as of 31 October 2017: 453,258
- Other refugees and asylum seekers registered by UNHCR as of 30 June 2017: 167,784
WFP expands the delivery of food through Sudan to people in need in South Sudan
The World Food Programme (WFP) has successfully sent the first aid convoy to deliver food assistance from Sudan to the South Sudanese city of Aweil in Bahr El-Ghazal, the organization said in a press release on 29 November. In 2018, WFP plans to send 30,000 metric tons (MT) of life-saving assistance down the new route to feed about 1.7 million people in South Sudan for 10 months.
It took five days for the 19 WFP-contracted truck convoy, carrying 500 MT of sorghum, to travel 830km from Sudan’s El Obeid town (North Kordofan State) to Aweil in South Sudan. The 500 MT of sorghum is enough to meet the emergency food needs of 30,000 people for one month.
WFP is now able to reach three locations in South Sudan by road from Sudan, including Renk, Bentiu and now Aweil. This enables WFP to deliver life-saving assistance more swiftly and efficiently and makes it easier to pre-position food before the rainy season, which cuts road access to many communities.
In 2014, WFP and the governments of Sudan and South Sudan signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), which designates WFP as the sole agency responsible for the transportation of humanitarian cargo from Sudan to South Sudan. This 2014 MoU reopened the humanitarian corridor for the first time since the two countries separated in 2011.
So far in 2017, WFP Sudan has delivered about 42,600 MT of food - out of 97,260 MT over the past three years - to over 1.2 million conflicted-affected people facing acute hunger in South Sudan. The current MoU has been extended until June 2018.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.