• Over 96,000 new IDPs from Jebel Marra had been reported as of 28 February, according to aid organisations.
• Humanitarian access for aid organisations in Central Darfur remains restricted.
• In Warni and Kau-Nyaro in South Kordofan, 242 people, including 24 children, reportedly died from lack of food and hunger-related illness during July-December 2015.
• SHF will target 70 per cent of direct funding to be allocated to NGOs who are front-line responders to the emergencies in Sudan.
Displaced people in Sudan (as of Dec 2015) 3.2 million
Displaced people in Darfur (as of Dec 2015) 2.6 million
GAM burden 2 million
South Sudanese refugee arrivals in Sudan - since 15 Dec 2013 (UNHCR) 173,834
Over 96,000 people reported displaced from Jebel Marra
The number of people displaced by conflict between government forces and the Sudan People's Liberation Army - Abdul Wahid (SLA-AW) that started in Darfur’s Jebel Marra area in mid-January states continues to increase. By 28 February, more than 95,000 people from Jebel Marra are estimated to be displaced and seeking assistance in various locations in North, Central and South Darfur states. This is an increase of 6,000 people compared to the 90,000 people reported on 14 February. As of 28 February, 65,800 newly displaced had been registered out of the 96,000 reported new internally displaced persons (IDPs). The majority of the newly displaced – over 92,000 people – are in North Darfur, with another 3,350 people in Central Darfur and 1,000 in South Darfur.
The Government of Sudan said that the number of newly displaced in North and Central Darfur States is about 73,000 people.
Over 92,000 IDPs in North Darfur
By 27 February, the number of new reported arrivals in North Darfur reached 92,378 people. While no new arrivals were reported in Sortony between 22 and 28 February, about 5,000 people arrived during the past week in Tawilla. The total number of reported new internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Tawilla is about 27,500 people as of 28 February. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has registered about 46,800 new IDPs in Sortony and 19,000 in Tawilla, and the registration exercise is ongoing. In Kebkabiya, the number of displaced from Jebel Marra increased slightly and stands at 2,285 people. In addition, 448 new IDPs from eastern Jebel Marra arrived in Shadad camp, Shangil Tobaya, in Dar El Salam locality. Their areas of origin include villages of Faluja, Mara, Khortawilla, Feena and Tugully.
Locations and numbers of new IDPs in North Darfur (as of 28 February)
Another aid convoy with food, nutrition and other supplies reached Sortony on 28 February. The distribution of emergency shelter, essential household supplies, food, nutritional supplements and provision of safe water, sanitation and health services continues, there are significant gaps across many sectors, except for food (see the response table). The World Food Programme (WFP) has provided 1,148 metric tonnes of emergency food assistance – valued at over US$ 1 million – to cover the needs of 95,000 new IDPs in North Darfur for 1-2 months (depending on the location). WFP continues to meet the needs of those arriving by diverting existing stocks, however, it is estimated that emergency needs will increase as the influx of new IDPs continues.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.