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Sudan Health Cluster Bulletin (August 2019)



  • On 9 September 2019, his excellency the federal minister of health publicly announced the outbreak of Cholera in Blue Nile State. FMoH/WHO established the isolation and treatment measures were initiated across the state.
  • By the end of August, 16 states across Sudan were affected by heavy rains and flash floods. The worst since 2013.
  • Malaria cases are still on the raise, constantly breaching the epidemic threshold and accounting for 12.4% of all cases reported of surveyed diseases with mortality rate of 13/10,000. And increase by 30% compared to the same reported period of last year (week 34). Most affected states are White Nile, Blue Nile, West Kordofan, and North Darfur.
  • Reported Typhoid cases showed an increase by 17% compared to last year. Most affected states are White Nile, Blue Nile, River Nile, and Jazeera states.