North Darfur
- Cereal prices remained high in the main markets of the State, which is unusual for the harvest period.
- There is a need for the Strategic Grain Reserve to intervene and supply cereals to the markets to curb scarcity and price hikes.
- The preliminary findings of the Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) indicate deteriorating food security situation in the State.
West Darfur
- State Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with FAO is planning to conduct Post harvest Assessment in the state this week.
- There Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited WD from 30th Nov-02 December. The CFSAM team met with the food security and livelihood sector members working in agricultural field.
- State Ministry of Health carried out nutrition surveys in WD in collaboration with NGOs working in the state.
South Darfur
- The food security situation is stable in most of the localities, following a regular seasonal trend as the groundnuts and sorghum harvest is ongoing. However, food prices are on the rise.
- Recent nutrition surveys results that have been endorsed by state government authorities revealed GAM rates above the global emergency threshold (15%) in Adilla, Selea, Kalma (camp), Otash (camp), Al Salam (camp), and Alserif (camp).
- A meeting between the Nomad community native administration in the southern part of the state and the chiefs of the Dinka Malual in South Sudan took place recently to discuss movements of nomads and their herds towards the south.
Blue Nile State
- Low crop production and supplies expected as the result of the last conflict between SPLA/n and Government force, which was started at the beak of growing season (September 2011). Total cultivated area in Blue Nile State this season is 1,639,844 feddans including sorghum, sesame, millet, sunflowers and other crops.
- Cereal prices and other food commodity prices are high in Damazine market as compared to the same time last year.
South Kordofan
- Preliminary results of the State Ministry of Agriculture’s crop cutting survey are that the cultivated area under traditional sector was reduced to around 50% of the area cultivated last season, due to conflict.
- Cereal prices have increased by 33percent compared to September prices due to reduced supply and lower expected crop production this season.