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Sudan - Floods, update (DG ECHO, UN OCHA, Reliefweb, Sudan Meteorological Authority) (ECHO Daily Flash of 03 September 2021)

Heavy rain has been affecting most States of Sudan (13 out of 18) since the start of the rainy season in the second half of July, causing floods, the River Nile and its tributaries to overflow and resulting in widespread damage.

The worst affected State is the River Nile, with over 31,000 affected people, more than one third of the total affected population. Other affected States are: West Darfur, South Darfur, North Kordofan, South Kordofan, West Kordofan, Blue Nile, White Nile, Sennar, Gedaref, Gezira, Khartoum, and Northern.

UN OCHA reports, as of 2 September, more than 88,300 affected people, over 4,870 destroyed and more than 12,780 damaged houses across the aforementioned States. The Sudanese government, led by the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), and aid organisations have started the provision of life-saving assistance to those affected.

Over the next 48 hours, moderate rain is forecast over central and southern States of the Country.