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Sudan - Floods update (DG ECHO, UN OCHA, ERSAD, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 16 September)

  • Since mid July, heavy rain and widespread floods continue to affect most of the country, leading to an increasing number of casualties and damage.

  • According to media, at least 114 people have died. UNOCHA reports 650,000 affected and/or displaced people, 110,000 destroyed or damaged houses and 1,700 ha of flooded crop.

  • On 5 September 2020, the Government of Sudan declared a state of emergency and on 11 September made a request for assistance to activate the UPCM in response to the flooding.

  • In the meanwhile, national authorities and humanitarian partners are providing help for 200,000 of those affected people.

  • For the next 3 days, light to moderate rain is expected over the southern and south-eastern States.