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Sudan: Floods - Emergency Plan of Action n° MDRSD023 Final Report



The Emergency Appeal (EA) MDRSD023 for 3,258,282 Swiss francs was launched to support 12,900 households or 64,500 people affected by flood in shelter and settlement, health and care, WATSAN and national society capacity building. The EA was revised downward to 1,840,403 Swiss francs with fourmonth extension.

Most of the planned activities attributing to outcomes were accomplished (the infographics provide a snapshot of key accomplishments).

This operation closed with a balance of CHF 174,618. This could not be projected until end of the operation due to delay in reconciliation of expenditures, particularly customs. As stated earlier, controlled exchange rate, and saving from some of the activity lines contributed to this balance. IFRC seeks approval to utilize this balance in 2018 Operational Plan to conduct a final review, support the National Society Development (NSD) initiatives to provide technical support to SRCS in their organizational development processes. These include volunteer development, strengthening of financial management and preparation of disaster preparedness plan.

A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

Following August 2016 heavy rain 177,035 people were affected in 13 states of the country. Among this 96,960 people were selected to be assisted under this EPoA in five states which are worse affected ones. The operation targeted households in Kassala, Sennar, Geziera, West Kordofan and White Nile. The rationale for selecting and prioritizing the five states was based on the extent of damages and impact of the disaster in the five states and the response capacity of the National Society.

The SRCS mobilized 1,000 volunteers and activated its Emergency Operation Centers at the headquarter and branch level. Humanitarian agencies have responded to meet the needs of the affected population with SRCS having assisted 1,600 households with non-food items (NFIs) in the form of tarpaulins, mosquito nets, and blankets. The immediate response by SRCS was made possible by already existing pre-positioned stocks, supported by ICRC & UNHCR.

The IFRC Country Office in Sudan provides coordination and facilitation with Movement partners with an interest in supporting the humanitarian efforts of the SRCS through bilateral and multilateral meetings. In operational aspects, the IFRC supported the SRCS Directorate of Programmes and Disaster Management Department with coordination, information consolidation, reporting, resource mobilization and other technical support.

Overview of Host National Society and Movement Partners

The SRCS is one of the leading organization in Sudan responding to humanitarian needs in the country. SRCS has a strong network of volunteers and works in coordination with the state authorities and partners. The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) has been actively collaborating with the government and non-governmental organizations from the onset of the emergency to assist the affected households. The National Society (NS) mobilized 1,000 volunteers and activated its Emergency Operation Centres at the headquarter and branch level. SRCS requested international assistance through this Emergency Appeal to complement the ongoing in-country resource mobilization efforts. The NS is actively participating in national and state level coordination meetings on the floods response.

The partner National Societies (PNSs) working with presence in Sudan include Danish Red Cross, German Red Cross, Netherland Red Cross, Saudi Arabia Red Crescent, Spanish Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross and Qatar Red Crescent. SRCS, IFRC, ICRC and PNSs participate in regular movement task force meetings. All issues, including potential bilateral and multilateral actions, are discussed. Information sharing, and coordination is also taking place at a regional level.

Overview of non-RCRC actors in country

The SRCS has been actively participating in national and state level coordination meetings as the Government is coordinating the overall flood response. The SRCS also participated in meetings with other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The IFRC Country Office and SRCS has been attending regular United Nations (UN) led coordination meetings. This includes participation in the Humanitarian Coordination Country Team (HCT), security, health and logistics sector meetings.

The HAC and the National Civil Defense Council have been supporting the authorities through the provision of food and NFIs supplies in the most-affected areas. The Government of Sudan also activated the FTF at the start of the rainy season, which monitored the evolving situation across the country in collaboration with respective agencies (the Sudan Meteorological Authority, the Ministry of Water Resources); and informed key stakeholders of forecasts and vulnerabilities of the areas. The Government of Sudan has also responded directly to the flood affected communities in Kassala state (Hameshkoreib), West Kordofan, Blue Nile and South Kordofan with different item mainly food.

Humanitarian actors have extended their support in providing assistance to affected areas. This includes UNHCR, who has distributed NFIs to 1,000 households and UN-WFP which has supported 755 households with food. The coordination was taking place through the FTF (led by HAC and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and respective sector clusters (Health, WASH, Emergency Shelter (ES)/NFI, and others).