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Sudan: Floods Emergency Appeal No MDRSD004 Final Report


Period covered by this Final Report: 18 July 2007 to 18 April 2008;

Appeal target (current): 7,498,940 (USD 6,233,533 or EUR 4,561,399);

Final Appeal coverage(1): 120%;

The attached financial report is interim, a final report will be posted shortly.

Appeal history:

- A preliminary appeal launched on 18 July 2007 for CHF 2,077,530 (USD 1,646,690 or EUR 1,194,969) for five months to assist 40,000 people.

- CHF 549,000 was allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) initial response efforts.

- The full emergency appeal was published on 8 August 2007 for CHF 5,464,899 (USD 4.5 million or EUR 3.3 million) to assist 140,000 flood affected people for six months.

- By September 2007, the situation dramatically deteriorated. The caseload of flood affected households increased by 46 percent. In response to the new situation, the SRCS revised the plan of action and the Federation, on behalf of its member National Society, published a revised appeal on 17 September 2007 to seek additional support for SRCS-led disaster response operation. The appeal budget increased to CHF 7,498,940 (USD 6,233,533 or EUR 4,561,399). The number of target beneficiaries was raised to 200,000 people.

- In February 2008, the operation timeframe was further extended for three months and the appeal budget was revised to CHF 7,384,145 (USD 6.8 million or EUR 4.6 million). The extra time was necessary to enable the SRCS to complete some outstanding activities that suffered delays due to insecurity (inter-tribal clashes, notably in the south) and logistical constraints (roads waterlogged and impassable during several months).

- All outstanding activities were concluded and the emergency operation successfully completed. Lessons learned were captured through two workshops attended by all SRCS branches and SRCS partner organizations. The final evaluation was conducted by an external team of experts (report available upon request).

Summary : The consequences of extreme weather events in 2007 were tragic for many in Sudan. Over 500,000 people were affected by devastating flooding triggered by early, protracted and heavy rains. Nearly 200 people were killed by diseases that spread as a result of water contamination and deteriorated hygiene conditions.

The SRCS a leading indigenous humanitarian organization in Sudan played a vital role to mitigate the human suffering. SRCS staff and volunteers worked round the clock for several months to extend a helping

hand to their fellow country men and women who had lost their family members, homes and livelihoods to treacherous floodwaters and contagious diseases. The achievements of the SRCS are truly remarkable. Some 1.5 million people were assisted by the National Society alone with emergency relief, health care, water and sanitation in 15 of 22 flood affected states. Of these, some 260,000 individuals (that is nearly 40 per cent of the flood affected population) were supplied with one or more emergency shelter and relief item (depending on their needs), mobilized either through the Federation appeal or bilateral donations. A total of 11,000 households were provided with emergency food ratios in collaboration with the UN's World Food Programme (WFP). A total of 1.3 million people were provided with safe drinking water and 240,000 patients were seen by SRCS outreach teams of doctors and nurses during the most critical months of the disaster, when many of the areas affected were isolated by the flooding and access to health care services was constrained.

SRCS efforts ensured those affected by the disaster had a basic minimum to protect their life, health and dignity. Massive health education campaigns rolled out across the county contributed to averting health epidemics. This would not have been possible without the generous support of Red Cross Red Crescent partners from around the globe and on behalf of the SRCS and those affected by the disaster, the Federation takes this opportunity to thank all who showed compassion for those suffering in Sudan. Many thanks, however, are due to SRCS employees and thousands of volunteers, who gave up their time and with disarming dedication worked hard to sooth pain, to protect lives, and bring hope. They are the true heroes of the operation.