Period covered by this update: September 2, 2016 to December 31, 2016
Date of disaster: 17 June 2016
Situation Analysis
This Operations Update is requesting an extension to the timeframe of the Appeal by 3 months (New end date: 31 May 2017) to allow the National Society (NS) complete the outstanding activities as articulated in the original EPoA and undertake a final evaluation.
The Appeal coverage at the time of writing is 67%. Donors are encouraged to support the appeal to enable SRSC’s assistance reach the targeted beneficiaries through the planned activities as detailed in the Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA).
Description of the disaster
Rainy season with prompted flash floods that affected over 96,960 people across thirteen states of Sudan in June 2016. SRCS participated in damage and needs assessment, conducted distributions of relief items to 1,600 affected households. According to the rapid assessment, more than 35,407 families were affected in the states of Khartoum, Northern State, Sennar, North Kordofan, South Kordofan, Kassala, Gezira, Gedarif, Central Darfur, White Nile and North Darfur. The assessment team was composed of Sudanese Red Crescent Society, Civil Defence and Humanitarian Assistance Commission (HAC). (please refer Table 1 for more details of the damage).
Water levels in the Nile River increased beyond the forecast, surpassing the water level recorded during the 1998 flooding. Due to this flash flood disaster, the National Society stretched its assistance to the increasing number of affected households across 13 states. A total of 271,700 Swiss francs was allocated from the DREF as a start-up loan to the Emergency Appeal.
SRCS targeted five worst affected states for the emergency response, namely Kassala, Sennar, Gezira, West Kordofan and White Nile, based on the extent of damages and impact of the disaster as well as the response capacity of the National Society. On 2nd of September 2016 IFRC issued Emergency Appeal for 3,258,282 Swiss francs.
Since then, the flood level of the Nile has reduced due to the end of the main rainy season in the upper catchment but the extensive damage of water supply and distribution systems in several locations has forced communities to utilize unprotected and unsafe water source. SRCS volunteers have extended their response in hygiene awareness, cleaning campaigns, draining of accumulated water and household water treatment.
Access to remote areas by road and on foot is improved to conduct more health-related awareness creation activities and to monitor and assess the damaged water systems.