The Council adopted a Joint Action on an EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan. The objective of this supporting action under the European security and defence policy is to ensure effective and timely EU assistance to support the AMIS II enhancement.
The supporting action will include a civilian and a military component.
- The military component of the EU supporting
action to AMIS II will cover: provision of planning and technical assistance
to all AMIS II levels of command, including the logistic support co-ordination
structure; provision of Military Observers, in the context of the AMIS
II enhancement plan; training of African troops and observers forming part
of AMIS II enhancement, as required; strategic and tactical transportation;
aerial observation, if required by the African Union.
- The Civilian Police Component (CIVPOL) of AMIS II will provide: support to the AMIS II Police Chain of Command by providing the AU with highly experienced Senior Police Advisors at all levels of the chain of command; support for training of CIVPOL personnel through providing a capacity for in-mission training by a group of EU trainers; support to the development of a police unit within the Secretariat of the AU.
Under the Joint Action, the EU will continue the close and effective co-ordination with all institutional and bilateral donors engaged in supporting AMIS II. The EU will also continue to work in close co-ordination with the UN, and, regarding the military component of the supporting action, NATO.
The Council also appointed Mr. Pekka HAAVISTO as EU Special Representative for Sudan. See also Fact sheet: "Darfur - Consolidated EU package in support of AMIS II"
July 2005
Darfur - Consolidated EU package in support of AMIS II
Since January 2004, the EU and its Member States have been providing a wide range of support to the African Union (AU) efforts to help stabilise the situation in Darfur. The support includes financial, personnel and political support to the Abuja talks process and the Ceasefire Commission, and planning, technical, financial and equipment support to AMIS I and AMIS II.
Building on the existing EU support, the Secretary General/High Representative Javier Solana presented a consolidated EU package of additional measures to support AMIS II enhancement at the International Pledging Conference in Addis Ababa on 26 May 2005. These additional measures are:
- support to the military component of
AMIS II: provision of equipment and assets; provision of planning and technical
assistance to all AMIS II levels of command; provision of additional military
observers; training of African troops and observers forming part of AMIS
II enhancement; strategic and tactical transportation;
- support to police (CIVPOL) component of AMIS II: support for the AMIS CIVPOL chain of command; support for the training of CIVPOL personnel; EU support to the development of a police unit within the secretariat of the AU.
In providing this offer to the African Union, the EU will seek transparency and complementarity with its partners and major contributors of the international community.
The following elements represent a more detailed basis for the consolidated EU package in support of AMIS II.
Support in the area of Police:
- Reinforcing the AMIS II CIVPOL through the deployment of EU police officers throughout the chain of command (Senior police advisors to: The African Union in Addis Ababa, the office of the AMIS Head of Mission in Khartoum, the office of the Police Commissioner in El Fasher, the three Regional Headquarters and the eight Sector Headquarters);
- In-Mission Training for all categories of AMIS CIVPOL Personnel through the establishment of 3 training courses conducted by EU trainers: senior command staff management training, train-the-trainers courses and post-deployment courses for all CIVPOL personnel in the eight sectors;
- Assistance to the AU in Addis Ababa in developing its longer term capacity to plan and conduct police operations by providing support to the development of a police unit within the Secretariat of the AU.
Planning and Technical Experts:
- Work with AU Member States to select experienced African officers for the AMIS II Chain of Command and to provide financing for them;
- Provide operational and logistic planners for AMIS headquarters in Addis Ababa, Khartoum and El Fasher.
- Provision of strategic and tactical airlifts and airlift co-ordination to assist with AMIS II expansion and Force rotation.
- Lift of African troops in co-ordination with African Troop Contributing Countries and NATO (pending further contributions).
In-theatre transport;
Tactical lift 2-4 rotations per week, (deployment, including of logistic assets, sustainment); Offered aircraft (two An 2; two C212).
Logistic Support:
- Provision of vehicles, communications equipment, mobile generators and other required materiel; (water road tankers and medical supplies, personnel equipment sets);
- Provision of logistic planners to augment the AU-led Logistic Support Co-ordination Structure at all three levels (DITF in Addis Ababa, Mission HQ in Khartoum and Force HQ at El Fasher).
Training, Assistance and Advisory Teams:
- Provision of teams to assist AMIS II in preparing the additional personnel and those rotated, pending further contributions;
- Training already identified in particular for the Senegalese Battalion in early July and Nigerian component mid-June;
- Support to the development and execution of the UN-led MAPEX exercise in August 2005;
- Training of pilots for the offered aircraft (two AN 2, two C212s). Media Support:
- Assistance to the AU to develop the AU media strategy. MILOBS:
- Provision of the Vice-Chairman of the Cease Fire Commission
- Provision of additional monitors.
- Provision of financial support, pending further contributions;
- At least additional 1 million Euros for civilian aspects to be updated later,
- 57 million Euro still available from the African Peace Facility to support the enhancement of AMIS II (salaries, rations for soldiers, fuel and insurance).