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Sudan: Darfur - Primary health care update, Jun - Oct 2008


Improve Quality of Primary Health Care in Darfur

WHO primary health care activities in Darfur in 2008 has been to provide quality Primary Health Care Services to IDP's and conflict affected population in Darfur with the overall goal in of reducing excess mortality and morbidity from preventable causes, particularly from communicable diseases, and assist the region to make sustainable progress towards the development of the health of its people. The demand for health services assistance in Darfur steadily increased, but at the same time the total input of resources has dropped considerably due to diminished unding, and factors that have affected security and access to beneficiaries. WHO, main role especially in PHC was to provide technical support to other agencies and, in collaboration with State &Federal Ministries of Health, filling gaps where necessary. WHO continues to offer PHC services and support in 3 Darfur states, South Darfur, West Darfur and North Darfur, In the 3 states WHO is supporting Health facilities in term of rural hospital Health center, Dispensary and dressing units.

Integrated Management of Childhood illness - IMCI

IMCI programme in Darfur over the last years has take off very well and WHO has supported the 3 SMOH in implementation of various elements of the programme.

WHO has mainly focused on three key areas ;

1. Improvement of the Health System through provision of Drugs and Supplies and improvement of Information System.

2. Improvement of the Health Workers Skills thought training of Medical Doctors and Medical assistants on Standard case Management

3. Improvements of the family practices through the community component of the IMCI.