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Sudan + 6 more

Sudan Crisis Regional Response Situation Update #64 - 12 December 2024



Over the last 2 weeks:

  • In Sudan, 2,661 individuals were supported with protection assistance. This included awareness raising and outreach on protection activities including on PSEA and GBV, direct tailored in-kind support (food assistance and NFIs), and protection monitoring and vulnerability assessments.
  • In South Sudan, 3,295 individuals were provided protection assistance, including community awareness raising sessions on GBV and PSEA, as well as referrals to specialized services.
  • In Libya, 764 individuals were provided with MHPSS services, including basic counselling, needs assessments, psychosocial awareness raising sessions, psychoeducation, psychological first aid, and recreational activities.
  • In Ethiopia, 4,212 individuals were reached through the provision of WASH service in Ethiopia, including through the delivery of clean drinking water via pipeline connection, community sensitization, hygiene promotion sessions, and sanitation services that enhanced access to latrines and showers.
  • In Egypt, 747 individuals were reached with shelter NFI assistance, including blankets, clothing, and food vouchers.