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Sudan, conflict - User Satisfaction Survey Report (Survey period: 21/10/2024 to 11/11/2024)


Sudan is experiencing a large-scale humanitarian crisis, with half the population – 24.7 million people in need of humanitarian aid and protection. The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated in Sudan on 25 May 2023 to support the humanitarian response following the outbreak of conflict on 15 April 2023. The ETC is led by the World Food Programme (WFP) in Sudan


The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) in Sudan conducted a user satisfaction survey from 21 October to 11 November to assess the performance of ETC services and activities delivered in Sudan since activation on 25 May 2023.

The aim of the survey is to gather feedback from all humanitarian partners using ETC services in the response and to identify areas where the cluster can improve.

The key common services that the survey focused on include internet connectivity, customer support (ICT helpdesk), security communications services, and coordination and information management (IM) services.

The cluster provides these common services to humanitarian partners in the seven common operational areas of Port Sudan, Kassala, Kosti, Damazine, Dongola, Atbara, and Al-Gedarif.


The cluster used a questionnaire method to gather data from users of ETC services. The online semi-structured questionnaire had 13 questions including user profiles and a combination of Likert scale questions to rate the satisfaction levels with different services and open-ended questions for comments and suggestions to improve the different common services.

The cluster electronically shared the survey link with all users of ETC services registered on the ETC user management platform, inviting them to take part in the survey from 21 October to 04 November, and later extended the end date to 11 November to enable maximum participation. Further, within that period, the cluster sent reminders to encourage more user responses.

The survey considered all 830 people on the ETC user management platform as eligible users that could take part, and the survey was shared with them. Of that number, 91 participated, placing the overall survey response rate at 11%.

The distribution of the 91 respondents by organisation type is as follows: UN agencies (69%), International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (24%), Local NGOs (6%), and Others (1%).

Within the organisations represented, the respondents’ worked in areas including Programme, ICT, Transport & Logistics, Field/Operations, Management, Security, Administration/Business Support, Data & Information Management, Finance, and Human Resources.