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Sudan: Conflict – Bileil Locality, South Darfur State - Flash Update No. 01 (26 December 2022) [EN/AR]


Clashes erupted on 23 December in the Bileil locality of South Darfur, reportedly following a brawl on 21 December, between youth from Arab Rezeigat and the Dajio tribe that quickly escalated into inter-communal violence. There are unverified local reports of 10 people killed and 25 people injured. Initial reports indicated that several return villages in Bileil locality were burnt including Amori, Gimaiza Arba, Saiengo, Um Himeada, Kamaski, Tagla and Doka. The villages belong to the Daijo tribe and are populated with more than 10,000 spontaneous and seasonal returnees from IDP camps including Kalma, Otash, Dereige and Bileil.

Government Security forces have been deployed to the area. A state of emergency was declared on 24 December for Bileil locality, and a curfew was imposed from 18:00 to 06:00 until further notice. The security situation is calm but unpredictable.

According to the Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in South Darfur, an estimated 16,200 people have been displaced. Displaced people have sought refuge in Dereige IDP camp in Nyala locality, Kalma and Bileil camps in Bileil locality and Domma IDP camp in Mershing locality. Other displaced people moved to Tamara, Sheigei and Ta’aisha villages situated in Niteiga locality. According to HAC the displaced are in dire need of humanitarian assistance as people have lost assets and food commodities while their villages were burnt.

Humanitarian organizations will conduct a needs assessment of most of the affected villages from 26 to 29 December.


An estimated 292,229 people live in Bileil locality of whom about 246,339 need humanitarian assistance, according to the 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). About 43,834 people will likely reach “crisis” and above levels of food insecurity between October 2022 and February 2023, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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