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Sudan + 1 more

Sudan - Complex Emergency (MDRSD016): Complex Emergency Final Report


Summary of response

Overview of Host National Society

SRCS was established in 1956 as a voluntary association aimed at alleviating human suffering and strengthening capacities of vulnerable groups in community. It has a strong legal base and mandate to manage First Aid, emergency response, health interventions and other humanitarian operations. Following the emergence of South Sudan as an independent nation in 2011, ten (10) of its branches became part of South Sudan Red Cross. Currently, SRCS has established presence in all eighteen states of the country. It has about 500 staff across the 18 state branches, Seventy five (75) provincial sub-branches and administrative units. It has a Nationwide community-based network of over 35,000 trained volunteers.

The NS has extensive experience in emergency response, relief, health, water and sanitation. It is well known by the public for its humanitarian work and community service as a leading responder during emergencies. It is supported by Movement Partners and is a key partner for various United Nations (UN) organizations in the field of humanitarian assistance.

SRCS is a member of the international Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and in Sudan, has mandate to manage First Aid, emergency response, health interventions and other humanitarian operations. SRCS has been one of the leading humanitarian agencies responding in the complex operating environment of Sudan. Main activities carried out by SRCS under the operation were:


SRCS supported the provision of medical consultations and treatment through management of mobile clinics and support to primary health centres in the targeted states. Volunteers were mobilized from both host and displaced communities. SRCS works closely with the Ministry of Health (MoH), the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other actors in this sector for various joint activities, including carrying out vaccinations, nutrition, and other health activities.

Water and sanitation:

Through deployment, operation and management of water treatment plants in White Nile and rehabilitation and maintenance of hand pumps. National Society (NS) also organized community cleaning campaigns reaching people with hygiene promotion and sanitation messages. UNHCR, UNICEF and the state department of Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES) were the main partners for SRCS in WASH.

Restoring Family Links (RFL) / tracing services:

In 2014, the National Society (NS) supported restoring family links (RFL) and provision of psycho-social support for vulnerable children through establishment of child friendly spaces (CFS).

NFI and emergency shelter material distributions:

SRCS also supported the distribution of essential basic non-food items (emergency shelter materials, blankets, jerry cans, tarpaulins, kitchen sets, hygiene kits and others) to the displaced South Sudanese in Sudan.

The EA supported 8 Primary Health Care clinics and 6 mobile clinics in 4 states to meet the primary health needs of the affected population. The EA also supported SRCS in the management, maintenance and operation of water treatment units in White Nile state, rehabilitation of hand pumps in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states, it also supported water purification in the targeted states, health and hygiene promotion, sanitation campaigns and volunteer support.

The final implementation was 100%

Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country

Besides the International Federation and ICRC, there are 10 Partner National Societies (PNS) based in Khartoum and supporting various activities of SRCS in the country. The PNS are Danish Red Cross, German Red Cross, Iranian Red Crescent, Netherlands Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Qatar Red Crescent, Saudi Red Crescent Authority, Spanish Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross and Swiss Red Cross).

While IFRC has been supporting emergency operations and organizational development of the NS through its Development Operation Plans, bilateral partners support generally covers Health, HIV, Food Security, Livelihood, Nutrition as well as development programmes. ICRC maintained limited operations throughout the year 2015.

Overview of non-RCRC actors in country

SRCS has partnered with a number of non-movement actors, UN agencies: UNHCR, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), WFP and UNICEF and is also recipient of funds from UN Common Humanitarian Funds (CHF).

Coordination and Partnerships

SRCS coordinates its activities with other actors through existing national and state coordination mechanisms. For issues related to South Sudanese displaced population in Sudan, the Government formed an emergency coordination committee with the HAC as the lead agency, supported by the Commission of Refugees and the High-level Technical Committee.

At the National level, there are several inter-agency technical sectors/cluster coordination mechanisms in place (Health, WASH, Shelter/NFI, Food Security) coordinated by UN OCHA and cluster partners (Health – WHO, WASH – UNICEF, Shelter/NFI – UNHCR, Food Security – FAO, etc.). SRCS has been sharing information and coordinating their activities with other actors through this fora. At the state level, there are coordination mechanisms set up by local governments comprising of local Government/Administration, local departments of the Ministry of Health, Water and Environment Sanitation agency (WES), HAC, and SRCS which serves as a coordinating body and information sharing fora for the involved actors. The SRCS branches are active members of these state working groups.

The NS also works in close collaboration with several agencies in addressing the needs of the displaced population from South Sudan, including UNHCR, WFP, International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, Plan Sudan, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and others, particularly, at the reception centres in White Nile and South Kordofan.

The IFRC Country Office supported the NS in coordination through joint participation and information sharing at the Humanitarian Country Team and other relevant meetings