Sector Highlights
During the last quarter, Child Protection sub-sector partners have reached 50,688 of the most vulnerable children who need psycho-social assistance, 1,223 unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) In addition, 8,818 community members and 210 authorities through emergency lifesaving and preventive child protection interventions.
As of the end of January 2016, the Child Protection sub-sector had received only 32% of the total funding required for the whole year.
The Child Protection sub-sector developed a child protection assessment system contextualized for Sudan. The system consists of four different types of tools for all CP stakeholders including: a CP Rapid Assessment Toolkit, CP questions to be used during inter-agency assessments, CP questions to be used during Protection Sector lead assessments and a brief set of CP questions to be used by other sector representatives during sector assessments where there is no protection representation.
In December 2015, under the leadership of The National Council of Child Welfare (NCCW) the Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) for Humanitarian Action were successfully validated and are being rolled out from January 2016. Fifteen ministries of the Government of Sudan endorsed nine important standards including on physical violence and harmful practices, unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), children associated with armed forces and armed groups, and community based mechanisms.”
In December, the annual review of the family tracing & reunification (FTR) system in Sudan was conducted by the National Council of Child Welfare with the support of the Child Protection subsector and UNICEF. Heads of the State Councils of Child Welfare (SCCW) and the Ministry of Social Welfare, as well as INGO and NGO representatives, joined the discussion.
The rollout of national minimum standards, training package on psychosocial support was initiated in January 2016, with the First Training of Trainers (TOT) program for government protection staff from 11 states. The national minimum standards were launched in November 2015 together with the government marking a significant milestone for improving the provision of psychosocial services to the most vulnerable children in an emergency context of Sudan.