NGOs on the ground reported falling beneficiary numbers in various feeding centres in Gogrial County and rising numbers in Aweil East and Twic counties, Bahr el Ghazal. WFP is monitoring the nutritional situation in Aweil East and Twic counties closely to determine whether the root cause is linked to a food deficit in the area, as opposed to illnesses commonly occurring during the rainy season.
2.1 Northern Sector
UN and NGOs are finalising plans to resettle IDPs in areas where they will be eligible for basic services as well as land tenure. They are awaiting detailed schedules from the GoS to commence developmental support activities to help ensure sustained livelihood for the IDPs.
White Nile
A total of 5 MT of food commodities were distributed to 1,200 malnourished children attending the supplementary feeding programme in Laya and Gos es Salam IDP camps in Kosti. The food was distributed by WFP implementing partners: the Sudan council of Churches (SCC) and IARA. WFP also released 3 MT of assorted food for in-patient feeding at Kosti Hospital. The food will be use to provide meals for 200 malnourished children admitted in the hospital through a 40-day programme. In Um Kuraa, WFP and MSF-Holland provided 3 MT of food to cover rations for one month to kalaa azar inpatients during the week.
Upper Nile
In Malakal, 5 MT of food was distributed to 2,588 beneficiaries. These included in-patient children, primary school pupils and workers through food for work schemes. Of the total number of beneficiaries, 1,335 were girls, 1,438 were boys and eight were adults.
In Shagharab IDP camp, WFP distributed 24 MT to 1,583 beneficiaries. Food amounting to 52 MT was also distributed to 3,188 beneficiaries at Fatu camp. Meetings were held at both camps with community representatives to discuss food for work schemes. The community prioritised the building of a primary school. The Fatu camp IDP representatives are preparing a proposal in conjunction with schoolteachers to build a school through food for work.
South Kordofan
Kadugli: SCF-USA, UNHCU and the Ministry of Engineering in Kadugli are finalizing a FFW project proposal to clear canals. WFP has already earmarked food as part of a food for work scheme in collaboration with SCF-USA to rebuild trenches in order to prevent floods in Kadugli town.
2.2 Southern Sector
Bahr el Ghazal
In Aweil East County, 122 MT of food was distributed to 14,013 beneficiaries in Riang Aketh, 176 MT of food was distributed to 26,220 beneficiaries in Malualkon, 127 MT of food was distributed to 13,634 beneficiaries in Akuem and 122 MT of food was distributed to 15,591 beneficiaries in Ajak. In Gogrial County, 240 MT of food was distributed to 21,000 beneficiaries in Thiek Thou and 111 MT of food was distributed to 14,867 beneficiaries in Alek. In Twic County, 149 MT of food was distributed to 13,494 beneficiaries in Mayen Abun. In Yirol County, 52 MT of food was distributed to 10,500 beneficiaries in Dor.
A number of problems were encountered during food distributions. For instance, the food distribution in Ajak (Aweil East County) was disrupted by loss of crowd control due to a lack of security measures at the distribution site. Once adequate security measures were put in place, the distribution resumed. In Maper (Twic County), the food distribution was halted and the WFP field team pulled out due to resistance from the local counterparts on the ground to co-operate, and failure of the targeted population to turn up. WFP is addressing the incident with local counterparts at a more senior level.
Preliminary reports from the WFP team in Thiek Thou (Gogrial County) point to the presence of 13,992 newly-arrived IDPs from around Mankien in Western Upper Nile. The IDPs arrived with no possessions and are asking for food and non-food items. A multi-sectoral, inter-agency assessment is planned to determine the humanitarian needs of the displaced.
Unity/Upper Nile/Jonglei
In Latjor State, Upper Nile a total of 87 MT of food was distributed to 7,237 beneficiaries in Beneshowa. In Leech State, 29 MT of food was distributed to 2,940 beneficiaries in Pabuong. In Bor County, 64 MT of food was distributed to 17,004 beneficiaries in Paliau.
The food distribution in Paliau (Bor County) was halted due to a lack of beneficiary turn-up to the distribution site and disagreement over the ration size for the area. WFP field staff and the local counterpart representative for north Bor County met with local counterparts in Paliau to clarify WFP policy. The issue was clarified and the distribution resumed and was completed on 24 November.
In Kapoeta County, Eastern Equatoria 43 MT of food was distributed to 3,000 beneficiaries in Lonyangachor, 55 MT of food was distributed to 3,750 beneficiaries in Nanyangachor and 38 MT of food was distributed to 2,625 beneficiaries in Naita.
A security assessment by WFP took place in Kassala area to inspect accessibility to IDPs in areas north and south of Kassala town. A report on the assessment is being prepared.
Bahr el Ghazal
Baau and Bararud (Aweil East County) remained "no-go" areas throughout the reporting period from 21-27 November. Similarly, Panthou and Tieraliet (Aweil East County) were "no-go" areas throughout the reporting period due to potential insecurity linked to train movement.
A food distribution in Aluakluak payam, Yirol County was postponed on 24 November as insecurity in the area prevented movement of the local population.
A child was injured by a falling pallet during an air drop in Thiek Thou on 27 November. The child was evacuated to the ICRC hospital in Lokichoggio for treatment. Initial information points to there being no breakages but an open wound to the leg.
Upper Nile/Jonglei
On 24 November, OLS security raised the security level of Jiech (Phou State), Jonglei to "tense" following rumours of possible inter-tribal clashes. The location returned to security level "normal" on 27 November.
The road between Natinga and New Cush in Eastern Equatoria remained closed throughout the reporting period from 21-27 November due to insecurity.
Air Operations
During the reporting period four C-130 Hercules and three Buffalo aircraft delivered food aid out of Lokichoggio, and one C-130 Hercules and one Ilyushin-76 operated out of El Obeid and Khartoum respectively.
A total of 1,214 MT of food were delivered from the northern sector by air this week, an increase of 15% over the previous week. The increase was due to the availability of 3 aircraft on a daily basis during the week. Food delivered from Khartoum amounted to 468 MT while food from El Obeid was 746 MT. Southern sector locations receiving food were Alek (90 MT), Atukuel (198 MT), Koch (18 MT), Madhol (108 MT), Majakliet (72 MT), Nyiwara (18 MT), Pakor (36 MT) and Thiekthou (126 MT). Northern Sector locations receiving food were Aweil (162 MT) and Wau (203 MT by airfreight and 183 MT by airlift).
Four WFP staff from the South Sudan programme attended a four-day WFP regional logistics meeting in Addis Ababa from 24-27 November. At the meeting, WFP staff presented the logistics operations for the Southern and Northern Sectors of OLS in 1999 as well as plans for 2000.
Bahr el Ghazal
Population assessment
A recent population assessment of Ajakuac (Twic County) revealed lower population numbers in the area than previously thought. The WFP field team found a host population of 13,750 persons as opposed to the earlier figure of 18,945, as well as 6,000 Nuer IDPs (rather than 4,000) and 2,000 IDPs from Abyei County (rather than 6,900). WFP is currently revising its population figures for Twic County, in consultation with other agencies working in the area.
Nutritional Information
During the month of November, feeding centre numbers rose in parts of Aweil East County. For instance, the number of persons in the therapeutic feeding centres in Malualkon rose from 5 to 32 during November and can be linked to illness rather than hunger. In Mayen Abun (Twic County), the number of children under five years of age in the GOAL-run feeding centre rose from 437 to 467 during November. Similarly, in the GOAL-run feeding centre in Turalei (Twic County) the number of children in the feeding centre rose from 572 to 629 during the month. WFP is following the nutritional situation in Twic County closely.
In November, NCA reported a drop in its feeding centre numbers in Gogrial County in Alek, Atukuel and Mangok. For instance, in Alek the number of children under five years of age in the feeding centre fell from 700 down to 84 in late November. NCA plans to close the Alek feeding centre in December, and link its nutritional activities with its health interventions. Malnourished children would thereafter be targeted through general food aid distributions by WFP. In November, UNICEF closed its feeding centre in Akon (Gogrial County) due to low beneficiary numbers. At the time of closure, the programme was feeding 30 people.
By the end of November, MSF-B and MSF-H had closed their feeding centres in Ajiep (Gogrial County), Thiek Thou (Gogrial County), Bararud (Wau County), Mapel (Wau County), and the following in Aweil East County, namely, Panthou, Tieraliet, Ajak and Panliet due to an improvement in the nutritional situation in the area.
Unity/Upper Nile/Jonglei
A recent population assessment of Paboung (Leech State), Upper Nile found a total of 1,070 IDPs currently residing in the area.
El Obeid: A gender programming workshop for project staff was completed during the week. It comprised 14 national and international WFP staff, mainly from the field, as well as 6 counterparts and NGOs from Kordofan. Fieldwork was performed for one day to implement use of PRA tools in a gender-sensitive manner.
Malakal: During the week, WFP received an evaluation of the Lomerika women's food for work project that was implemented with WFP assistance earlier this year.
WFP field staff met with local counterparts and LWF staff to discuss future plans for implementing food-for-work activities in 2000 in Yirol and Rumbek counties.
The WFP Regional Liaison Officer for Bahr el Ghazal (Lakes) and Equatoria met with the County Secretary for Toposaland in Eastern Equatoria around 24 November to re-emphasise the importance of ensuring safe passage for WFP food convoys through this region. The idea of food-for-work activities to maintain road sections in Eastern Equatoria in 2000 was also discussed.
The Nairobi-based Emergency Officer for the Sudan programme attended a three-day "OLS Programme Retreat" in Nakuru, Kenya from 24-26 November. Topics covered include an update on the OLS by sector, identification of gaps in humanitarian needs in the different sectors, OLS contingency plans, OLS membership, a new OLS/OCHA/UNICEF structure, cargo consolidation and OLS programme sector co-ordination.
The WFP Sudan Bulletin is available on the WFP Website at http://www.wfp.org. For further information on WFP operations in Sudan, please contact the WFP Africa Bureau - Mr Ismat Fahmi, Programme Coordinator for Sudan: email Ismat.Fahmi@WFP.org. telephone 39 06 6513 2338; or Ms. Leslie Elliott, Reports Officer, e-mail: Jouko.Ala-Outinen@WFP.org. telephone 39 06 6513 2871. The address of WFP is Via Cesare Giulio Viola 68, Parco dei Medici, 00148 Rome, Italy.
©: 1999, World Food Programme. All rights reserved.