Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


Subnational Health Cluster Darfur/Cross-Border (SNHCD/XB) Coordination Meeting Code: SNHCD #06_24 Virtual/Teams, 23 July 2024 (Farchana, Chad) 12h:00-14h:00



1. Welcoming and Agenda (SNHCD Coordinator)

  • Opening and Welcoming.
  • Code of Conduct: This event adheres to the Code of Conduct to prevent harassment, including sexual harassment, at WHO events. To report, please write to IOS directly, access WHO Integrity Hotline or Scan the Barcode.
  • Action points from SNHC-XBD#5 was presented (Presentation: slides 4&5).