The conflict that broke out in South Sudan on 15 December 2013 displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians in South Sudan and continues to cause an outflow of refugees into neighboring countries including Sudan. Kharasana and El Meiram are among the newly established settlements receiving refugees and provided with basic protection and lifesaving interventions. These settlements are located in the south-west region of Sudan of West Kordofan state in Keilak and El Meiram localities respectively. The majority of refugees are women and children that fled from Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap and Abyei in South Sudan. During the time of this survey the refugee population was estimated as follows: in Kharasana 4,887 and El Meiram 10,422. The refugees’ settlements in Kharasana and El Meiram are unique in nature, whereby refugees are settled in the periphery of the local towns and living together with the host community. However, refugees identify themselves in the group settlement, subdivided into bocks. The house arrangement is similar to a usual standard village setting, as opposed to a typical camp house set-up.
This report summarizes the results of a Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) conducted in Kharasana and El Meiram refugee settlements during the period 22nd October and 4 th November 2017. The survey was aimed at assessing the general health, nutrition and mortality indices of refugees in order to establish baseline data and formulate action-oriented recommendations for appropriate nutrition, public health and related interventions.