This report covers the period from 3/25/2007 to 4/24/2007
With inputs from OXFAM
Most households remain food secure at the end of this year’s January to April dry season. However, food insecurity is expected to increase in May as food stocks from last year’s harvests dwindle and off-farm food sources such as wild plants and fruits are exhausted, typical of the May to August hunger season.
The hunger season may be particularly severe in the northern parts of the Western Flood Plains (mainly Northern Bahr El Gazal State) and the Eastern Flood Plains (Nyirol, Diror, Pulchol and Wuror counties in Jonglei State) livelihood zones, where structural food deficits are normally acute. Significant numbers of people continue to return to the already densely populated Northern Bahr El Gazal, and a poor harvest due to floods and insecurity last year and cattle rustling this year will negatively affect food access in parts of Jonglei State.
There are no updates on whether subsidized sorghum will be available during this year’s hunger season. The 2006 hunger season was significantly mitigated by the availability of affordable government-subsidized sorghum in most areas. In the absence of subsidized sorghum, households typically purchase sorghum on the market, while at the same time reduce the number of meals consumed.
In the Hills and Mountains livelihood zone, the first-season rains were delayed by up to 30 days. This delay may impact the production of first-season crops, which are harvested from July to September.
Critical events timeline