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South Sudan Education Cluster Bulletin, April 1 2011


This bulletin aims to summarize the work of the Education Cluster in South Sudan. It includes an overview of the work of the cluster, a collation of updates and information about the humanitarian situation, news from other clusters, relevant events, training opportunities, and any other information Cluster partners want to share with the wider group.

The Education Cluster Bulletin will be produced bimonthly, or more regularly depending on the amount of information received. It will be shared with all Education Cluster partners at Juba and State levels to support information sharing and coordination. It will also be shared with other partners, including GoSS Ministries, other Clusters, OCHA, donors and potentially on an Education Cluster Website.

Brief Humanitarian Context Update

(Information taken from: OCHA Returns Map 29 March 2011; OCHA Sudan: Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin, 25-31 March 2011)

• Southerners in the North continue to return home, with the cumulative total of new arrivals now at 264,490 people since October 2010. The second convoy of barges carrying returnees formerly stranded at the Kosti way station in northern Sudan is en route to Juba and is expected to arrive shortly with 2,700 people.

• The security situation in southern Sudan is increasingly volatile, with military operations by the SPLA against some armed groups continuing in Jonglei and fresh fighting breaking out in Unity. Tribal tensions are also high along the border between Lakes and Western Equatoria. In Aweil in NBeG a curfew was imposed by security forces on 23 March while a weapons search was carried out.