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Review of Irish Aid Support to World Vision Disaster Preparedness and Local Capacities for Peace Programme, Southern Sudan


Executive Summary


The purpose of the review is to provide Irish Aid and World Vision with an assessment of the Disaster Preparedness and Local Capacities for Peace (DIPLCAP) programme. The review assesses the performance and achievements of the DIPLCAP to date, bearing in mind the context in which the programme evolved. The review uses the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria of Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability.


World Vision South Sudan developed a project to address needs of remote communities in South Sudan following the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that was signed by warring factions in January 2005.

The project set out to address the issues of service delivery, peace building, disaster preparedness and livelihood development. The service delivery element aimed to assist the government to provide health and education in a conflict area in order to both provide these services and enhance peace by enabling the communities to access these services in a neutral place. The peace building aspects of the project were intended to build capacity in the affected communities to facilitate peace between them. The disaster preparedness element of the project was intended to enable the communities to protect themselves from flooding as well as provide early warning of attacks from hostile neighbours. The livelihoods component of the project was intended to enhance food security in the area by facilitating vegetable gardening.