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Report on the Work of the Arms Registration and Marking (ARM) Program and on Community Security and Arms Control (CSAC) in West Darfur


New publication about arms registration and marking, and community security and arms control in West Darfur

In the “Report on the Work of the Arms Registration and Marking (ARM) Program and on Community Security and Arms Control (CSAC) in West Darfur” Dr Sami Faltas presents the results of his field research in West Darfur, Sudan. The study was assigned by BICC and the Sudan DDR Commission (SDDRC).

The main purpose of his research trip was to study the programme to mark and register weapons held by tribal communities in West Darfur and to suggest improvements. Another aspect was to report on UNDP’s Community Security and Arms Control programme intended to support these activities. The “Report on the Work of the Arms Registration and Marking (ARM) Program and on Community Security and Arms Control (CSAC) in West Darfur” was part of an advisory project funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.

The report reflects upon:

  1. The structure, composition and resources available to the Arms Registration and technical Committee (ARC) in West Darfur, as well as the linkages between the Committee and the state government and other national actors.

  2. The current approach to the sensitisation, registration, and marking of illicit civilian weapons in West Darfur.

  3. The perceptions of stakeholders (such as community, political and religious leaders) in West Darfur vis-à-vis the proposed arms registration process.

  4. The linkages between the work of the ARC and that of other stakeholders, in particular the CSAC and Community Labour Intensive Projects (CLIP) of UNDP and the African Union/UN Hybrid operation in Darfur (UNAMID).

  5. The potential impact of the project on human security in West Darfur and includes deliberations on whether to replicate this approach in other locations in Sudan and beyond.