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Sudan + 7 more

Refugee Consultation Forum - Sudan 2021 Country Refugee Response Plan - Annual Report



In 2021 the humanitarian situation in Sudan continued to deteriorate. Ongoing economic decline with an inflation rate of on average 360% in 2021 has led to corresponding erosion of purchasing power and supply chain disruptions, negatively affecting all vulnerable populations in Sudan. Refugees, having fled their countries of origin to seek protection in Sudan, remain particularly vulnerable to impacts of degenerative economic trends, including reduction in purchasing power, service availability and access to livelihoods.
The number of refugees and asylum-seekers hosted in Sudan has reached 1,130,547 individuals at the end of 2021, an increase of 109,014 compared to the previous year. Over 800,000 originate from South Sudan, and more than half of the total population live in Khartoum or White Nile. In addition, Sudan hosts refugees from Ethiopia, Eritrea, CAR, Syria and Chad. 61% of all refugees and asylum-seekers live outside official camps in urban areas or settlements, many of them in extremely remote areas with little coverage of public services or presence of humanitarian actors.

The 2021 Sudan Country Refugee Response Plan (CRP) had a financial appeal of USD 574 million of which 49% ($281 million) were funded. Out of the received funding USD 100 million supported the Ethiopian refugees in Eastern Sudan and Blue Nile State who arrived since November 2020 after conflict broke out in Northern Ethiopia. The 2021 CRP included the response of 30 humanitarian partners (out of 40 appealing organizations) who worked alongside several Sudanese NGOs in the implementation of their programs across 11 states.

In 2021 CRP partners have continued to provide multisectoral assistance and protection to refugees and asylum-seekers in Sudan. While up to 557,711 individuals received full ration of food assistance either in kind or through cash-based interventions, 751,611 health consultations were provided to refugees and asylum-seekers. 52,435 households received a standardized NFI kit, and 27,749 households received shelter assistance, including emergency, transitional or durable shelter.

While provision of drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities remain below standards in many areas, partners constructed 8,597 latrines benefitting refugee communities. 65,423 women received dignity kits over the course of the year. Efforts to expand registration to cover all refugees living in Sudan has continued, and by the end of 2021 739,988 (61%) refugees were individually registered, an increase of 117,508 compared to 2020.