Data collection was carried during May 2015 which represented the beginning of the summer harvest in Tokar locality and the pre lean season in Agig and Durdeeb.
The food security situation in May 2015 was worse than in November 2013/14 in Durdeeb and Agig localities and remained unchanged in Toker. The stability of the food security in Toker was attributed to the beginning of the harvest season.
The prices of sorghum decreased in Red Sea during May 2015 compared to April 2015 and to the same time last year. The reduction in the sorghum prices was a result of good sorghum production in the last agricultural season.
Purchasing power remained at a similar level to previous rounds of food security monitoring. One fourth of the households in Agig, Toker and Durdeeb could not afford the cost of one local food basket.
Dietary diversity and food frequency of households in Tokar locality was better in May 2015 than in previous rounds. In Durdeeb, household food consumption was poorer than previous rounds. The proportion of households who had poor consumption increased from 13 to 33 percent compared to Novmber 2014.
The main livelihood activities for over 50 percent of households in Agig and Durdeeb were nonagricultural labour and collection and sale of firewood and grass. In Toker, production and sale of charcoal represented the main income sources for 45 percent of households, followed in importance by agriculural wage labour.