Operational Context & Analysis
The security situation in Sudan continues to deteriorate, with increased armed confrontation, including in urban centres such as Khartoum, Geneina, Zalingei, Nyala, El Fasher and rising criminality reported in various locations following the general breakdown of law and order1. The overall situation continues to severely impact the lives of civilians, who remain exposed to repeated violations in the conduct of hostilities by all parties to the conflict. The disregard for basic principles of international humanitarian law (IHL) has led to estimated casualties of more than 3,000 civilians, including several refugees and IDPs in attacks in Khartoum and North Darfur2. Safe passage to secure areas within and outside the country remains highly problematic, with first hand credible reports of hundreds of civilians, including refugees, being denied safe exit from urban and semi-urban areas of Khartoum by armed groups and prevented from crossing the borders to seek international protection.
The security situation in Sudan and the consequent collapse of State institutions has resulted in the lack of basic services, food, medical supplies, fuel, communications and cash. Negotiated humanitarian ceasefires or self-declared truces, have been repeatedly violated by the parties as the fighting rages on. When a lull in fighting enables civilians to access markets, little primary commodities are available due to widespread looting of civilian and public places. This also affected humanitarian premises and warehouses and impeded the delivery of much needed assistance to the displaced population. Illegal occupation of and attacks on public institutions, notably health and education facilities, governmental offices, banks, and other structures essential for the survival of the population continue to be reported, depriving all civilian population of access to the most essential and life-saving services. Escalation of conflict in Khartoum and in the Darfur region, including inter-communal clashes, as well as the re-ignition of other conflict dynamics between the Sudanese Armed Forces and other non-State armed groups in the Kordofan region have triggered additional massive internal displacement of civilians. As of 11 July 2023, over 2.4 million individuals have been displaced within Sudan3 including an estimated 187,000 displaced refugees. Such figures are largely estimations, as a significant number are in areas not safely accessible to humanitarian actors.