Khartoum ( 13 May .) - Thirteen Sudanese political parties and political groups, in a joint statement yesterday, rejected the decision of the NCP to create 2 new states in Darfur. The NCP led government decided to create Central Darfur, with the capital Zalingei and East Darfur, with the capital Eldein. The joint statement stated that the creation of the two new states is a violation of the peace process, and a complete ignorance of the negotiations being held in Doha. According to the parties the creation of two new states will not lead to peace nor to stability in Darfur.
A second concern addressed in the statement is that the craetion of the two additional states is based on ethnicity rather than administational need. According to the parties the creation would increase the tribal differences in Darfur, which is seen as an unwanted development.
In the statement the parties called for a peaceful an fair solution, to be negotiated by the different conflicting groups, the different political parties and civil society organizations. According to the parties new constitutional arrangements should be a result of these negotiations
political parties
The political parties that signed the statement included: the Umma National Party, the Union Party-Mainstream, the Popular Congress Party, the Communist Party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North Sector, the Ba’ath party, the Justice and Liberation party and with the cooperation of the Unionist party.