Access Issues
Air Operations
During the reporting period, WFP delivered 1,051 MTs of food from the northern sector air bases, Khartoum and El Obeid (an increase of 35% over the previous reporting period) to Ajak, Mayen Abun, Lietnom, Maper, Baau, Riang Akieth, Thiek Thou, Akuem, Pabuong and Malaulkon in the southern sector. 401 MTs of food were airlifted to Wau in the northern sector.
During the reporting period, food was also delivered from Lokichokio, El Obeid and Khartoum to Tieraliet, Panthou, Panliet, Liethnohm, Wunrok, Midel, Adior, Natinga and Narus in the southern sector.
The humanitarian situation in western Upper Nile continued to deteriorate because of limited flight access and escalated fighting in the area. During the reporting period, OLS agencies continued to step up contingency plans and preposition resources in Lokichokio for emergency response should access and security improve.
On 20 November 1999, fighting was reported west of Natinga. It was also reported that about 50 shots of small arms fire was heard in the area. The area was declared "Red No-Go".
Reports received from Bahr Al Ghazal indicated that the trains had left Wau and were proceeding north. As a precautionary measure, Panthou and Tieraliet were put on security alert while Baau and Bararud were declared closed to OLS agencies.
Food Distribution
During the reporting period, 107,196 targeted beneficiaries received WFP food aid in eight locations across the southern sector of OLS.
48,864 beneficiaries in Khartoum IDP camps and squatter areas received 405 MTs of relief food from WFP during the week. The food was distributed in collaboration with ADRA to 43,314 IDPs and 5,550 vulnerable persons.
69 MTs of mixed food commodities was distributed to 8,442 vulnerable IDPs in Laya and Gos es Salam camps in White Nile.
During the reporting period, 17,087 beneficiaries in Juba town received 160 MTs of food aid. The beneficiaries included 14,967 IDPs, 400 Congolese refugees, 1,370 TB patients and 350 malnourished children in the Action Contre la Faim (ACF) therapeutic feeding centre. Food for the TB in-patients was distributed in collaboration with German Leprosy Relief Association. At a workshop for NGOs organised by UNICEF and the Ministry of Health, WFP presented a paper covering registration, screening, food distribution, monitoring, reporting and evaluation procedures for selective feeding programmes.
330 IDPs were provided with 11 MTs of food, for November and December 1999 as part of a resettlement package for IDPs who have moved from the camps in Ad Daein to Sanam El Naaga, in Nyala province. UN/NGOs are working closely to implement the second phase of the resettlement project targeting initial 1,000 IDP families. The relocation project is organised by SCF-UK.
A total number of 1,789 beneficiaries were registered in a joint UN/GOS/INGO registration of flood affected persons in Kadugli town. The criteria for selection of beneficiaries was based on complete destruction of houses coupled with loss of food stocks and agricultural crops. As part of the initial assistance, the registered beneficiaries were given enough food for 15 days while they are re-constructing their houses. Further WFP assistance will be given in collaboration with SCF-USA on a food-for-work programme to rebuild trenches, which will help to avoid future floods in Kadugli.
UNICEF provided non-food supplies to flood affected people outside Juba town and UNIMIX and biscuits to benefit 2,467 malnourished children aged below five years as well as washing soap to their mothers for hygiene purposes.
As part of UNICEF support to the construction of IDP schools, funds were released to NCA for the construction of 13 classrooms in Wau. Ten pit latrines have already been completed.
Emergency Response
UNICEF released essential drugs to Pediatric Hospitals, BAM Health Centre as well as health facilities in Nasir areas of Ulang, Wanding and Yomding. UNICEF also supplied Pediatric Hospital, feeding centres and IARA centres with 2,625 MTs of UNIMIX.
UNICEF funded acceleration campaign for Wau and surrounding villages targeting under five population. The programme is implemented by State Ministry of Health (SMOH) with support from NGOs.
CDD and ARI week was observed in Malakal during the reporting period.
Livestock Projects
UNICEF participated in the vaccination of 5,196 heads of cattle in Wau against rinderpest. 15,000 heads of cattle were also vaccinated in Kapoeta.
UNICEF released four bicycles to SMOH/BJS and two to SMOA/WES to facilitate livestock and fishery extension services.
Health Training
A group of 80 women and 11 men attending the primary health care training in Gos es Salam IDP camp in Kosti, graduated during the week. WFP and the Sudanese Red Crescent (SRC) are targeting vulnerable persons among the IDP population for skills training. WFP provides food incentives to the trainees during the course.
A five-day health hygiene was opened on 18 November benefiting 40 participants from the three mahalias of Juba town.
Nutrition & Household Food Security
All OLS NGO and counterpart field representatives will meet in Lokichokio from 24-25 November for the sectoral quarterly meeting.
Water & Sanitation
UNICEF installed one hand pump at Mahalia Muniki and maintained one at Kator Mahalia.
Awareness and Public Education
A workshop on gender programming commenced during the week in El Obeid. Participants include WFP, NGO and counterpart field staff. The workshop is the fourth in a series of five scheduled to take place before the end of the year.
A workshop on commodity tracking and food control systems commenced during the week. The workshop aims to equip WFP staff with skills on an improved system of comprehensive food control from the time food is received in country.
Future Search Conference
The Future Search Conference dubbed "Children of southern Sudan - Vision 2005" ended in Nairobi on 20 November with stakeholders committing to giving their children a better future through peace and better education. Other key resolutions included self-determination, capacity building for life skills and infrastructure, teacher training, people to people peace initiatives, and improved health care.
The peak of the conference was 18 November when the children presented the main conference with their dream. The children spoke with emotion of wanting a future free of conflict, disease, hunger, terror but one filled with peace, better education and health care. The children reiterated to the adults that they had dared to dream and it was entirely the call of their parents and leaders to fulfil that dream.
The conference was organised by UNICEF and brought together stakeholders from within and without southern Sudan. The children's conference took place on 14 to 16 November with 37 participants followed by the adults conference from 18 to 20 December.
Orientation Workshop
UNICEF will train eight Sudanese from 22-23 November in presentation techniques in order to prepare them to participate in the Orientation Workshop Facilitation Team.
Thereafter UNICEF/OLS will conduct a pilot Cultural Orientation Workshop between 24 and 26 November in Lokichokio. A new, more informative, manual and curriculum have been created for the revised workshops. Thirty NGO staff have signed up for the workshop, which covers the background to the conflict, political structures, ethnic groups, family and kinship ties, health and spiritual beliefs, economic survival, and the rights of civilians. The workshop is designed to expose relief workers to the cultures of southern Sudan and prepare them to react sensitively to the people with whom they work. UNICEF/OLS conducts the workshop on at least a quarterly basis.
Unaccompanied Children
A delegation comprising representatives from UNICEF and the Committee for the Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children (CEAWC) visited Aweil and Wau to meet with some children who had previously been abducted, later retrieved in Nyala and are now in Aweil awaiting reunification with their families. The delegation also met with CEAWC local state authorities and discussed issues related to abducted children, in particular the movement of the train.
A joint WFP/UNICEF/HAC needs assessment in Pibor has recommended two months of food aid for 8,500 registered floods-affected persons. The flooding was a result of more than two weeks of uninterrupted rainfall in Pibor Province. During the assessment, parts of Pibor town were still submerged and the river was overflowing its banks. The mission could not access areas outside Pibor town because of deep waters. The mission found out minimal structural damage but reported that the residents of Pibor town and environs were facing a 25% food deficit. The food aid will assist beneficiaries avoid further depletion of assets, such as cattle, in the search for food. The mission recommended that an assessment of crop damage be undertaken in Ferteh and Linkongole. Further, it recommended that a beneficiary registration be conducted in order to target vulnerable populations during the lean season (April-June).
Health Matters
An outbreak of cholera was this week reported in Arua. All agencies operating in the western Nile corridor have been requested to monitor the situation and report any cases cited in their areas of operations. A cholera testing kit has been sent to Arua as a precautionary measure.
In Juba, the El Saba Children Hospital communicable disease report indicated 275 cases of malaria with one death, 12 acute Gastro-enteritis cases, 14 acute respiratory infection cases, one case of measles, one case of cerebral spinal meningitis (CSM) and one case of infectious hepatitis.
Mr.Philippe Borel, UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative, UN Coordinator for Emergency and Relief Operations in the Sudan and UNIC Director, is absent from Khartoum on official mission from 20 to 27 November 1999. During Mr. Borel's absence, Mr. Omar Salah Ahmed, FAO Representative is acting as UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Bayani Aguirre, UNDP Country Director is the Resident Representative in charge of the UNDP Office and assumes the responsibilities of Officer-in-charge of UNIC. Mr. Mohammed Saleheen, WFP Representative assumes the responsibilities of Officer-in-charge of the UN Emergency and Relief Operations in the Sudan as well as the responsibilities of Designated Official.
Mr Maxwell Gaylard, UNHCU Chief is away on mission in Geneva for the CAP Global Launch from the period 18 - 27 November 1999. During Mr. Gaylard's absence, Mr. Salem Mezhoud, UNHCU Deputy Chief is Officer-in-Charge.
Mr. Jose Guinea, Administrative Officer in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Geneva visited UNHCU Khartoum from 17 - 20 November 1999. He held briefings with the UNHCU Chief and the Administrative Officer and reviewed the administrative and financial responsibilities of UNHCU. He also met with UNCERO, UNDP Administrative Officers and UNHCU personnel.
The NGO/UNHCU weekly security meeting took place on 22 November 1999 at the UNHCU.
A meeting of the Unity State Emergency Response Team (ERT) took place on 25 November 1999 at CARE office. Issues discussed included security situation, UN/NGO issues and emergency supplies, nutrition assessment and registration of IDPs.
The weekly meeting of the Humanitarian Aid Forum (HAF) Steering committee took place on 23 November 1999 at the UNHCU. Matters dealt with included IDP related issues, Scova workshop, CAP, floods, Joint Donors Meeting, joint OLS meeting and Unity State.
Programme Retreat
The OLS Annual Programme Retreat to plan for the year 2000 is scheduled for 24-26 November at the Lion Sarova Hill in Nakuru. Kenya.