Access Issues
Air Operations
During the reporting period, WFP delivered 562 MTs of food from the northern sector to both northern and southern sector locations in Sudan. The Khartoum-based Illyushin aircraft delivered 136 MTs of food to Kiriel. Food was also delivered from El Obeid by airdrop to Amou, Bow, Kiechoun, Kiriel, Koch, Maiwut, Mangar Angui and Peth, by airfreight to Aweil and airfreight and airlift to Wau.
Three C-130 Hercules and two Buffalo aircraft continued to deliver WFP food aid from Lokichokio. In addition, one C-130 delivered food aid from El Obeid and one Ilyushin-76 operated out of Khartoum to southern sector locations.
On 25 January 2000, Motot and Pieri were returned to security level 2.
On 27 January 2000, troop movements were reported out of Ayod and Waat towards the south.
On 28 January 2000, it was reported that an OLS Buffalo aircraft carrying a vehicle landed in Longochok and was held at gunpoint by a local commander. The aircraft with a UN-Water team onboard had flown to that location to collect a water compressor. The commander ordered the off-loading of the vehicle, which he confiscated along with the compressor.
On 30 January 2000, OLS Security met with the local commander in Longochok to discuss the confiscation of the UN-Water compressor and vehicle. Both items were returned to OLS and have been taken to Lokichokio.
On 29 January 2000, Pajut, Lankien, Kaikuny, Tangyang, Walgak and Wanding were returned to security level two.
A reconnaissance was conducted from 29-30 January 2000 on the Lokichokio/Kapoeta road corridor (from Lokichokio, Kenya towards Kapoeta in Eastern Equatoria of southern Sudan). The aim of the reconnaissance was to assess the road(s) from Lokichokio northwest towards Kapoeta through SPLA-held territory in order to advise on routes by which humanitarian aid could be delivered to the area surrounding the town of Kapoeta. The assessment was conducted by OLS and SRRA counterparts.
Food Distribution
WFP delivered 41 MTs of food to 4,920 beneficiaries in Wau during the reporting period. The beneficiaries comprised 326 pregnant and lactating mothers, 1,163 vulnerable persons at supplementary feeding centres run by CARE and the Catholic Church, 1,025 patients in Wau hospital and Agok suffering from TB and leprosy reached by German Leprosy Relief Association (GLRA). The Catholic Church and Al Da'wa Al Islamiyya (DAWA) fed 2,326 children through emergency school feeding programmes at Wau and Mariel Ajith. In addition, 80 vulnerable people were fed in Wau.
WFP's emergency school feeding programme in Malakal is still suspended because of administrative issues resulting in the closure of schools. However, WFP food amounting to 0.5 MT was distributed by the Ministry of Education to school children through the emergency school feeding programme in Obel One IDP Camp, which is under the administration of Jonglei state. WFP staff as well as representatives from the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), Ministry of Education (MOE) and International Rescue Committee (IRC) visited schools in Obel One IDP Camp during the week to discuss issues concerning food management and reporting.
WFP in conjunction with Sudan Council of Churches (SCC), Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), Global health Foundation (GHF), Sudan Aid, Action Contre la Faim (ACF) and OXFAM distributed 39 MTs of food to 4,723 vulnerable beneficiaries in various locations in and around Juba. The locations included Jebel Kujur, Gumbo, Kator, Lologo, Nyokuron and Tabanloliong.
82,366 targeted beneficiaries received 805.92 MTs of food aid in eight locations in southern Sudan. In Bahr Al Ghazal, food was distributed to populations in Akuem, Malualkon, Peth and Adet while in Upper Nile food was distributed in Pading, Kiech Kon, Koch and Boaw.
Emergency Response
A Local Relief Committee meeting took place during the reporting period. Issues discussed included the formation of a disaster management committee to prepare for the outbreak of disease in the region. The technical committee for nutrition/health and sanitation also held a meeting during the reporting period. Sub-committees were formed to mobilize essential drugs, food, and tackle logistics, finance and health education issues in case of a disease outbreak.
UNICEF assisted El Sabah hospital with 1.5 MTs of essential drugs, released 355 vials of drugs and vaccines to assist in combating livestock diseases in and around Juba and delivered 5,000 doses to Kapoeta.
UNICEF responded effectively by releasing 5,000 doses of hoemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) vaccines and 48 bottles of romicin L.A. for the suspected outbreak of HS in Riwote and Lokuamoor villages, 30 miles north west of Kapoeta town.
An Emergency Preparedness Committee was activated and preparatory arrangements made to deal with an anticipated outbreak of gastro-enteritis and/or endemic diseases. The committee consists of NGOs, GOS Ministries, UN agencies, Locality and Security representatives. Two meetings were conducted during January 2000.
Livestock and Fishing Projects
1521 individual families and 30 fishing groups in three camps around Wau and Aweil town received fisheries equipment from a UNICEF fisheries officer. The distribution was in collaboration with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Save the Children Fund-UK (SCF-UK), CARE, IRC and Sudan Aid. UNICEF Five fisheries station officers were trained by UNICEF in monitoring and supervision and were assigned to assist the fisheries activities in Wau, Raga and Aweil.
UNICEF delivered 17 community health workers kits and 260 doses of rinderpest and hoemorrhagic septicaemia vaccines to Raga.
Water & Sanitation
UNICEF maintained eight hand pumps and two household latrines in Wau and constructed communal pit latrines in Barial and Marial Ajith camps. Additionally, 30 persons received from WES a five-day training in hygiene Health Education.
Awareness and Public Education
During the reporting period, WFP held a workshop encompassing field and country offices. The workshop aimed at streamlining Sudan Operations and improving co-ordination between sub-offices and the country office. The workshop covered WFP operations (both emergency and development). It also included overviews of assessments and monitoring, with an emphasis on nutrition and gender. Sub-Office and Project plans for the year 2000 were introduced and common issues involving logistics, administration and finance were presented and discussed.
UNICEF reported that eight schools were rehabilitated in Malakal.
During the week, WFP began monitoring on-going activities in Malakal. These activities included emergency food for work projects, emergency school feeding programmes, seedling nurseries run by the Ministry of Agriculture, women's activities and social and health institutions.
A nutrition survey conducted in Bentiu in December 1999 revealed a high global malnutrition rate, particularly amongst the displaced population. Recommendations were made for blanket feeding as take-home rations in the absence of an implementing NGO for wet feeding. Monthly nutrition monitoring was agreed upon by WFP, OXFAM, MOH, CARE and HAC and conducted for returnees by CARE local trained staff during the reporting period. The monitoring revealed that most returnees were from Leer and had gone to Bentiu because of insecurity.
Disease prevalence among children was similar and comparable to earlier findings at 25% for malaria, diarrhea and chest infections. Other diseases reported include scabies, eye infection and measles. It was noted that none of the children had been vaccinated. Adults reported urinary tract infection, anemia and malaria for women. 22 cases of kala azar, and TB were also reported.
The immediate provision of food aid for both IDPs and returnees in Bentiu has been recommended to prevent further increase in malnutrition rates. Access problems have meant that no food has been distributed to beneficiaries in Bentiu since December 1999. WFP is considering airlifts to deliver food into the area.
The current situation in Malakal indicates a food shortage gap as the price of dura rises from 35,000 to 47,000/90 kg. This issue was raised in the weekly HAC/Counterparts meeting. A meeting with the State Minister of Social Welfare will be convened by HAC to officially update the counterparts on the food security status. UNICEF and WFP will facilitate a meeting with FAO in Khartoum to adequately respond to this situation.
Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances
During the last week of January, 78 people (35 boys, 23 girls, 12 male and 8 female adults were turned over to UNICEF in Juba. UNICEF and WFP aircraft transported them to Khartoum where they have been placed in the National Camping Centre under the care of UNICEF and UNHCR. UNICEF and UNHCR repatriated 20 of these children on 28 January and reunited them with their families.
Health Matters
The weekly communicable diseases report from El Sabah Children Hospital recorded 275 malaria cases with five deaths, two acute gastro-enteritis cases, eleven cases of acute respiratory infection and twenty-four cases of cerebral spinal meningitis.
An outbreak of measles was reported by community leaders and confirmed by the Ministry of Health in the villages of Faragalla and Ngissa about 40 Km south of Wau. 88 cases with some deaths (no specific number available) have been officially reported in the two villages with a total estimated population of 6000. It is hoped that a vaccination team will conduct a vaccination campaign of all children between the ages of six months and five years. UNICEF will provide vaccines and some basic drugs. ARS/UNDP will assist with transportation. The two villages have not been accessible since 1998 because of insecurity and therefore no vaccine campaign has been done to date.
MEDAIR recently reported a global malnutrition rate of 21.7 per cent in southern Bor County after conducting a nutritional survey. Out of this 2.1 per cent was severe. The agency is planning another assessment to determine the cause of the malnutrition.
An outbreak of measles was reported in Ad Daein province in the Abu Gabra locality. 34 cases from Dasosa village and 36 cases from El Rayan village have been officially reported.
Members of the United Kingdom National Committee for UNICEF together with journalists from the Express Newspaper arrived in Lokichokio on 29 January 2000 to visit various activities implemented and/or supported by UNICEF/OLS. The team visited an IDP camp and demobilised child soldiers transit camp in Nyal, GOAL and SUPRAID projects in Wunrok and also revisited the 1998 famine site in Ajiep. The team was led by Anita Tiessen of the United Kingdom-National Committee for UNICEF and Rosel Boycott, Editor of the Express.
The monthly Donors/UNEOG meeting was held on 20 January 2000 at the UNDP Conference Room. Issues discussed included cease-fires, access issues, security situation, Sudan Peace Act, visit of UN Special Envoy, and the South Darfur Resettlement Project.