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Sudan + 2 more

NRC Sudan Annual Report 2021


In 2021, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) was able to assist 178,007 people affected by displacement in Sudan.

The year 2021 marked the re-emergence of a humanitarian crisis in Sudan largely driven by conflict, political instability, economic hardship and natural disasters. The country recorded unprecedented levels of displacement, with 430,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) forced to flee attacks and violent conflict, particularly in the Darfur states. Overall, the number of people in need in Sudan in 2022 is projected to be the highest in ten years. The sudden political and constitutional crisis is likely only to exacerbate the multiple crises in the country.

With eight offices across Sudan, NRC assisted refugees, IDPs and host communities in the states of Khartoum, Gedaref, White Nile, South Kordofan, and West Darfur. Our teams were able to support 178,007 people across the country, including in hard-to-reach parts of Sudan.

Our expertise in Sudan revolves around the following core competencies:

We also developed our emergency and rapid response capacity, to be able to survey and respond to needs as early as possible when a shock occurs. In parallel, we invested in a more efficient cash support programming, and market system analysis and solutions. We also run a digital hub to allow people in need to raise questions, communicate their needs, provide feedback and voice complaints. Finally, we advocated for more rights and protection for displaced populations, for better assistance and for decision-makers to find lasting solutions to displacement.