In the early hours of 15 December 2023, clashes erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Abu Haraz and Hantub villages of Medani Al Kubra, Aj Jazirah, 136 km south of the capital of Khartoum. These clashed led to widespread displacement including the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who had fled to Al Jazira when the April 15 Conflict erupted in Kharthoum. According to the IOMs DTM alert, which was circulated on the 16th of December 2023, approximately 14,000 - 15,000 IDPs were displaced from Medani Al Kubra locality. Affected residents were reported to have sought refuge in neighbourhoods westward of Wad Medani Town, as well as other locations in Aj Jazirah, and towards Sennar and Gedaref states. Approximately 1,500 IDPs were observed to have fled to in Al Fao locality, while approximately 3,000 IDPs were reported to have arrived in Madeinat Al Gedaref and a further 250 IDPs were reported by the DTM to have fled to in Ar Rahad locality.
In line with the RRM rationale and the number of people who were affected by this displacement met the RRM triggers and necessitated the assessment. It is against this background that NRC1, with funding from ECHO through the RRM2 Consortium, conducted a rapid needs assessment to identify the most critical short-term needs of IDPs, and recommend support areas for all potential responders, focused proffering immediate lifesaving assistance and ameliorate suffering.
The objectives of this assessment were:
• Understand the self-prioritized needs of persons displaced into El Gadarif State by the ongoing conflict in Wad Madani.
• Investigate the forms and modalities of assistance persons of concern believe would best help them to meet their current needs.
• Understand the current movement patterns of displaced persons, as well as their intentions for future movement.
• To draw out and recommended interventions to support conflict affected IDP.