In the United Nations and Partners Work Plan for 2007, it is stated that Sudan is at a critical moment in its history. The Work Plan identifies that the way is open for a shift towards recovery and development (although it recognises that events in Darfur are having a destabilising effect).
The shift is especially pronounced in South Sudan where, for the first time, the targeted recovery and development programme funding ($356 million) exceeds that of humanitarian activities ($280 million).
Mine Action in South Sudan is relevant as both a humanitarian activity, which translates as emergency clearance, especially roads and tracks, yet it also plays its part in the recovery and development phase - typically the clearance of contaminated land in order to allow for resettlement, agriculture, the repair of infrastructure and other community needs.
NPA Mine Action has recognised the change in the conditions and that of the clearance requirement. Funding requested and the activities conducted are focused on the release of land.
The political and security situation was sufficiently stable, during the reporting period, for all planned activities to take place.
NPA Mine Action has made active efforts to recognise the South Sudan Demining Commission as the most relevant body to provide strategic directives for all mine action activities in South Sudan.
The programme was visited by a number of external visitors including USAID (a Food Security Monitoring Team), UNMAS (as part of an external audit of the UN Mine Action Programme in Sudan) and NPA Head Office.