The shortage of flower in Sudan has now also affected North Kordofan and the capital of Blue Nile state. A number of residents of Ed Damazin said that the bread crisis has affected the city for more than two weeks.
They explained that the majority of the bakeries has closed, while people are angry about not being able to buy bread.
Also Um Ruwaba in North Kordofan suffers from a bread crisis and a shortage of gasoline. The price of a gallon of gasoline amounted to SDG 50 ($8,30), a resident said.
One week ago, a baker in Omdurman city reported that a number of bakeries closed their doors owing to the flower crisis in Sudan. The baker explained that flour prices at the black market are sky-rocketing. The flour crisis has been attributed to the scarcity of foreign currency needed for the import of wheat.
In East Darfur, a government source revealed that 3,000 rotten corn sacks were seized in the stores of the Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC). The corn had been proven to be not suitable for usage, after a sample was examined in laboratories in South Darfur. The source expressed his concern that the rotten corn might be distributed to citizens. He appealed to the state government to rapidly intervene to resolve the problem.
Good cereal, wheat production
The annual cereal production in Sudan for the 2014/15 season is estimated to be well above-average, and over double the volumes harvested during the 2013/14 season. This is according to the Annual Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission Report (CFSAM, January 2015). Furthermore, wheat imports were normal in February, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (Fews Net) writes in its Price Watch it released on Tuesday.