A rapid assessment mission was conducted in Shangil Tobaya and Zam Zam IDP camps in North Darfur by the Donors, Sector Representatives and the UN to look into the humanitar-ian situation of the displaced people including those who have just newly arrived.
From 1 January to 25 March 2011, a total number of 202 suspected cases of meningitis with 6 deaths (case fatality rate of 3%), were reported from 10 states (Khartoum, Gezira, White Nile, Blue Nile, Sennar, Gadaref, Northern, South Kordofan, West and South Darfur).
Health Sector reported that around 80% of planned core pipelines have been preposi-tioned in designated locations in South Kordofan, and the main challenge the sector is cur-rently facing is the insufficient coordination with the South Sudan.
Based on an assessment made by Save the Children Sweden report, basic services particu-larly water are not adequate in areas where IDPs are currently seeking shelter in Abyei. There is a reported shortage of drugs in health facilities in the villages of Marial Achak, Rumamier, Mijak and Dungob. In some areas, there are mobile health services provided by MSF-Switzerland but in most the IDPs reported the service is not available.
The Health Sector submitted two proposals to the United Nations Central Emergency Re-sponse Fund (CERF) to cover the rising needs of the newly arrived IDPs in Darfur and the immunization activities in response to the measles outbreak in 5 Northern States in Sudan.