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NFI & ES Sector Monthly Update #12 SOUTHERN SUDAN December 2009


Executive Summary

- In the year 2009, reported distributions by Sector partners in Southern Sudan supported 68,539 households with essential non-food items (NFIs) and emergency shelter (ES). This comprises 84% of the targeted planning figure for NFI &ES assistance in Southern Sudan as established in the 2009 UN & Partners Work Plan. Due to the increase in intertribal and inter-clan conflicts, the conflict related IDPs were by far the largest beneficiaries (67%), followed by Spontaneous returnees (13%), disaster affected (9%), refugees 5%, assisted returnees 4% and vulnerable host community members 2%.

- NFI & ES Sector partners received US$4.2 million from the first round of CHF funding and our distribution partners received approximately USD 140,000 from ERF funding to cover distribution costs. UNJLC plans to advocate for equal amount of funding from the CHF for 2010. Partners will be notified when CHF procedures commence early January to prioritize and select projects in Work Plan 2010 to be funded through CHF.