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NFI & ES Sector Monthly Update # 04 - North Sudan, April 2011


Executive Summary

In April, 7,261 households were supported with non-food items and emergency shelter from the NFI Common Pipeline in Darfur, of which approximately 80.8% were newly displaced, 1.6% organized returnees, 9% were spontaneous returnees and 8.6% were disaster affected. In total 38,455 items were distributed, including 6,891 blankets, 2,162 cooking sets, 7,944 jerry cans, 6,349 pieces of plastic sheeting, 7,945 sleeping mats, and 7,164 pieces of women’s clothing.

The current WFP S.O. 103422 under which WFP-LCU leads the NFI & ES Sector and manages the NFI Common Pipeline is set to expire on 31 December with operation close out scheduled to start on 30 September. A ‘take-over’ partner for the NFI & ES Sector and the NFI Common Pipeline is yet to be confirmed. A high-level team from UNHCR Khartoum, Geneva and Budapest completed an assessment of the NFI Common Pipeline to determine whether UNHCR will take over operation of the NFI & ES Sector. UNHCR is expected to communicate its decision to the Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator (USG/ERC) by the end of May.

The Strategic Review of the NFI Common Pipeline by the Global Emergency Group (GEG) continued and field studies across the Darfur states were completed. The methodology of evaluation, preliminary findings, analysis and recommendations were presented to WFP-LCU and members of the Advisory Panel on 21 April. GEG will submit the final report and presentation on 2 June.