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NFI & ES Sector Monthly Update # 03 - North Sudan, March 2011


Executive Summary • In March, 5,943 households were supported with non-food items (NFIs) and emergency shelter (ES) from the NFI Common Pipeline (CP) in Darfur, of which 80.6 % were newly displaced households, 14.3% were Disaster Affected Households and 5.1 % were Extremely Vulnerable Persons. The 34,935 items distributed included 7,624 blankets, 1,494 cooking sets, 7,237 jerry cans, 5,943 plastic sheets, 7,874 sleeping mats, and 4,763 women’s toaps.

• The current WFP S.O. 103422 under which WFP-LCU leads the NFI & ES sector and manages the NFI Common Pipeline is set to end on 31 December with operation close-out scheduled to start on 30 September. A transition partner for the NFI&ES Sector and the NFI Common Pipeline is yet to be identified. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees advised UN-OCHA on 28 March that a rapid evaluation would be conducted by a high level delegation comprising UNHCR,
OCHA and WFP. A definite decision as to the UNHCR response would be advised by the end of April.

• The NFI CP is responding successfully to large scale displacements in the Zamzam camp, El Fasher and the ‘catchment areas’. Pipeline Partners submitted an application for CERF funding for US$ 1,159,613 to support 20,000 newly displaced households in North Darfur with NFI & ES items. To date, partners have served 5,526 households with NFI & ES items.