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IOM and the Sudan Ministry of Labour Work Together to Improve Labour Migration Policy

A two day workshop on Labour Migration Policy and one day training was organized by the Sudan Ministry of Labour and Administrative Reforms in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and generous funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

The objective of the workshop was to assist the Ministry of Labour and Administrative Reforms as well as other relevant government and non-government stakeholders to identify and address the gaps in Sudan’s Labour Migration Policy. The workshop resulted in 37 recommendations that will support the Ministry in conducting a wider assessment of the Labour Migration Policy for Sudanese migrants overseas and foreign migrants in Sudan as well as to formulate and adopt a comprehensive policy that ensures the protection of migrants in and outside Sudan and helps the government of Sudan to manage migration.

At the opening ceremony, Ms. Amna Dirar, Sudan’s State Minister of Labour and Administrative Reforms, spoke of the importance of understanding migration within as a global phenomenon and also setting out protective policies at international and national levels to tackle irregular migration. Adding that “we cannot neglect the opportunities of labour migration which [if adequately managed] has educational, economic and social benefits for both countries of origin as well as the destination countries

Mr. Daniel Cavegh, Ambassador of Switzerland to Sudan, stressed the importance of addressing migration comprehensively and that “migration should be considered as part of a whole range of topics, from protection related issues such as humanitarian actions for migrants and host communities, the fight against human trafficking, to long term development considerations; where the perspectives of migrants in the economic and social context are key.”

Also in the opening remarks, Mr. Norberto Celestino, IOM Sudan’s Officer in Charge, emphasized that “migrants are particularly susceptible to their basic rights being infringed or denied and are, for the first time, specifically recognized in the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Development Agenda. Decent work for all is central to these goals; and the labour rights of migrants are specifically recognized under Goal 8 which promotes decent work. Only as part of an inclusive agenda or labour migration policies that promote and protect migrant workers like the one intended to be established for Sudan, can the full development potential of migrants be fully achieved

The workshop was facilitated by IOM’s Regional Labour Mobility and Human Development Specialist, Roberto Cancel. In the third day of the workshop, a training on Practices for Promoting Safe and Regular Migration was conducted for representatives of recruitment agencies and members of the Ministry of Labour to discuss recruitment malpractices and concepts of ethical recruitments and institutional frameworks.

For further information about IOM, please contact Andrew GRAY; Tel: +249-156554; Email: