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Sudan + 2 more

Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) Sudan and South Sudan (ECHO/WWD/BUD/2019/01000) Version 3 – 04/10/2019


The present Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) was prepared on the basis of financing decision ECHO/WWD/BUD/2019/01000 (Worldwide Decision) and the related General Guidelines for Operational Priorities on Humanitarian Aid (Operational Priorities). The purpose of the HIP and its annexe is to serve as a communication tool for DG ECHO's partners and to assist in the preparation of their proposals. The provisions of the Worldwide Decision and the General Conditions of the Agreement with the European Commission shall take precedence over the provisions in this document.

  1. MAJOR CHANGES SINCE THE PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE HIP Second modification as of 1st October 2019

President Omar Al Bashir was removed in April, after 30 years in power. An agreement towards a civilian transition was signed between the Transitional Military Council and the Forces for Freedom and Change on August 17th; and an agreement on an interim Sovereign Council was reached on August 21st. The new Prime Minister was appointed the same day, and his Cabinet took office in September.

These positive political developments take place against the background of a fuel, cash and wheat shortages, affecting the whole population. Overall, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance has increased throughout the year; in July, the Prioritised HRP acknowledged an increase from the initial estimate of 5.7 million people (2019 HRP) to 8.5 million people.

The humanitarian situation in Sudan has thus globally worsened in the course of this year due to the combined effect of political instability, violent repression against peaceful civilian demonstrations and a fast deteriorating economic crisis. The increase of the number of people in need of humanitarian is for a large part linked to the large increase in the number of people affected by severe food insecurity. An estimated 6.3 million people (14% of the total population) are experiencing Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity and need urgent assistance. This figure is the highest on record since the introduction of the IPC (Integrate Phase Classification) analysis in Sudan. Around 1.2 million individuals are facing Emergency levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 4) and around 5.1 million individuals are in Crisis (IPC Phase 3), while nearly 12.6 million are estimated to be in Stress Phase (IPC Phase 2).

On top of the severe food insecurity situation, a cholera outbreak started in Blue Nile State end of August. It has already spread to a second State, Sennar. In a region that has been particularly hit by the recent floods. In a best case scenario, WHO foresees that at least 5 States will be hit by cholera.

These new humanitarian needs come on top of the protracted humanitarian situation in Sudan linked to malnutrition and forced displacement. Sudan hosts more than 1 million refugees and more than 2 million internally displaced from the three unresolved conflicts in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Refugees from South Sudan and IDPs are particularly vulnerable in the current political context, they are also the most affected by food insecurity with 90% IDPs and refugees unable to afford a meal a day. Whilst needs have risen, costs of humanitarian operations have also increased due to the economic crisis, in particular linked to the fuel crisis and political instability/security in the country.

There is an urgent need to scale up the multi-sector assistance to the increased number of people in need of humanitarian assistance and to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis on people’s livelihood. Humanitarian assistance continues to be needed, especially for groups with particular vulnerabilities, such as refugees and IDPs that are fully dependent on food assistance and particularly vulnerable – hence protection actions should be reinforced. In addition, urgent support is needed to respond to the cholera outbreak in Sudan and to scale-up an integrated health and nutrition response in areas most affected by malnutrition.

In order to respond to respond to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation caused by the persistence of the economic crisis and ongoing conflict in Sudan, the European Commission has mobilised an additional amount of EUR 25 million to tackle specifically: food insecurity, protection, health and nutrition, overcome logistical constraints and scale-up cholera response.