Sudan | 2023 | CBPF
Sudan, South Kordofan state. In 2022, nine-year-old Mahasin was displaced with her family, including her five siblings, after fighting erupted in South Kordofan State. Mahasin’s father was a farmer and the family provider, but he lost his income due to being displaced from their land and home.
Mahasin had never been to school before – she spent her time helping her mother at home. She tried to enroll in a school in their new settlement, but classes were already full. In Sudan, schools are often overstretched, with up to 80 students in one class. Educational infrastructure in host communities is often unable to accommodate the additional children from displaced families.
After her first disappointment, Mahasin heard from other girls about the Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP) for children who had missed out on school. The programme is funded by the Sudan Humanitarian Fund, and implemented by Save the Children.
Mahasin was eager to start studying. “I inquired how I could register, and the teacher asked me if I had ever studied before,” she explained. “I told him that I had never visited a school, even though I was 9 years old. He enrolled me in his class straightaway.”
She began studying Arabic and maths. "I'm very happy that I am able to go to school now and to study with my new friends, whom I met during the programme,” she said. “Also, there is a good learning environment because of the new tables, benches, stationery and school bags."
Mahasin is studying hard because she wants to become a doctor to help others. "When I go home, I revise my lessons with my sisters and help my mother in my spare time. In school, I like to do jump rope with my friends,” she said. “I'm so happy that I’ve learned how to write and calculate. Now I can write my name and a lot of other things." Her parents are very proud of their daughter.
The emergency education component in South Kordofan is funded by the Sudan Humanitarian Fund, and implemented by Save the Children. The consortium project with Goal and Almanar Voluntary
Organization (AMVO) has provided more than 10,000 children with teaching and learning materials, seating for 550 students, handwashing facilities and water sources for 20 schools, and training for 58 headmasters and teachers.
More about the Sudan Humanitarian Fund:
https://www.unocha.org/sudan/about-sudan-hfPooled Fund impact stories
#2023, #CBPF, #Education, #Sudan
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.