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Health Cluster Sudan - Minutes of HC Meeting July 13, 2023


A. Relevant context and sector updates provided (presentation attached)

B. Updates from Partners (UN and NGOs)

1. UNICEF (updates attached)

• UNICEF Sudan deployed a small team to Chad to coordinate with UNICEF Chad and lead cross border operations and support the IDP response in Darfur, in coordination with other agencies

• UNICEF Sudan is partnering with Sudan Red Crescent, to release supplies already prepositioned in Geneina

a.) Alerting AWD outbreak in Deling, South Kordofan linked with the WASH situation and need to be investigated as suspected Cholera cases; need RDTs, supplies and possibly to activate OCV

• (Dr. Raja of WHO)- at the moment, there is shortage of OCV globally; WHO has preposition IV, cholera kits and equipment and were transported from Al Jazeera hub to North Kordofan and currently inspected by MI for clearance ; in coordination with SMOH installed 3 cholera centers (2 are Health centers and 1 community based);
Cholera kits were sent to Kadugli then Delling but due to ongoing clashes put on hold;
PCR laboratory in PS available and could receive samples coming from the field

• Dr. Nima- equally important to testing is treating cases with AWD and make sure the needed supplies are available; OCV campaigns need lab confirmation

• ACTION POINTS- organize face to face AWD working group with concerned UN and INGOs; Dr. Raja to send the invite for this group