10.7M People in Need
7.6M People Targeted
1.04M IDPs
1.1M Refugees
178.6M Fund Requested
• By the end of August 2023, the conflict in Sudan has displaced 4.8 million people (more than 10% of the population), with more than 1 million people fleeing across borders into neighboring countries.
• Despite the effort, Challenges are still encountering health partners to scale up the response in accessible areas and conflict affected areas.
• During the projection period of October 2023 to February 2024, around 15 million people (the highest ever recorded figure coinciding with Sudan’s harvesting season) are likely to face high food insecurity. 60 percent are in Greater Darfur, Greater Kordofan and Khartoum State.
• Limited in country capacities to scale up the response (by September only 13% of the health response targeted 7.5 million people were reached).
• The conflict and the associated socio-economic deprivation have driven about 20.3 million people across Sudan (over 42 percent of the country’s population) into high levels of acute food insecurity, between July and September 2023. The most highly food insecure populations are in locations and states with active conflict, including West Darfur (where 62 percent of the population is highly food insecure), Khartoum and South Kordofan (56 percent).